俄罗斯丰满女教师拍泳装照被解雇 同行加入快闪族行动抗议:老师也

俄罗斯丰满女教师拍泳装照被解雇 同行加入快闪族行动抗议:老师也

作者: iGlobalist | 来源:发表于2018-06-16 21:21 被阅读0次

Russian teachers launch bikini flashmob to support colleague 'fired' for posing in swimsuit 

俄罗斯丰满女教师拍泳装照被解雇  同行加入快闪族行动抗议:老师也是人

维多利亚·波波娃(Viktoria Popova)

Teachers across Russia have launched a flashmob to support a colleague who was apparently forced to resign after posing for photographs in a swimsuit.

Viktoria Popova, a history teacher in the Siberian city of Omsk, featured in a series of photos which appeared on the Instagram page of a modelling agency earlier this month. The shots, in a modest bikini, did not go unnoticed by parents of her students and school management.
维多利亚·波波娃(Viktoria Popova)是俄罗斯西伯利亚联邦管区鄂木斯克市的一位历史教师。本月初,一家模特机构在Instagram网站上发布了一系列关于她的特写照片。她身穿一件适中比基尼的这些照片引发了她学生家长及学校管理层的关注。

Viktoria, who is 26 and attends a training course at the agency, said that the school administration explained to her that she had broken a code of conduct. They reportedly offered her the option to be fired or resign. Her dismissal and reasons for it were later confirmed by the city council.

“I wasn't posing in underwear or stockings… I wasn’t promoting some men’s saloon. People do take pictures nowadays. They pose for photos on holidays and post pictures online,” Viktoria said.

The history teacher said she did not intend her personal life and hobby to be made public. “These photos were just for me… I do not work as a model, I just have training courses,” Viktoria explained in a interview with RIA Novosti.
这位历史老师指出,她并未打算把她的私生活和爱好公布于众。她在接受俄罗斯国际新闻通讯社(RIA Novosti)的采访时解释称:“这些照片是此前专门为我拍的。我现在没有当模特,我只是去上培训课。” 

俄罗斯国内的许多教师以#教师也是人# 的话题标签在社交媒体上发起了一场行动,开始上传一些她们身穿比基尼的照片。

Teachers across Russia then launched a campaign on social media under the hashtag '#TeachersAreHumansToo'. They began submitting frivolous photos of themselves in bikinis, insisting that they are allowed to wear swimsuits and have hobbies.“Big secret: teachers are humans, too. They also relax, sunbathe, go to nightclubs, drink, eat chips, fall in love, make children,” one woman wrote.
随后,俄罗斯国内的许多教师以#教师也是人# 的话题标签在社交媒体上发起了一场行动,开始上传一些她们身穿比基尼的“不正经”照片,并坚称她们可以穿泳衣和有爱好。“重大秘密:教师也是人,也需要放松,日光浴,去夜店,喝喝酒,吃薯条,恋爱,生娃,” 一位女士如此写道。

And teachers go to the swimming pool, sauna and fitness clubs, another woman online added.

One user submitted a picture of torso-naked President Vladimir Putin on a fishing trip with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.


As the campaign gathered pace, city officials held a meeting between Viktoria and the school administration who then offered her the choice to continue to teach at the same school or a different one. It’s not clear what Viktoria decided and she declined to comment on the matter to RIA Novosti and other media.








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    本文标题:俄罗斯丰满女教师拍泳装照被解雇 同行加入快闪族行动抗议:老师也
