时间管理特训营Day 2

时间管理特训营Day 2

作者: caka | 来源:发表于2016-05-06 23:05 被阅读37次

This is the second day of my special time management training course.

I found there're still some problems to be adjusted and improved:

1. I have set up too many tasks in details but didn't leave enough time for emergency.

When my schedule is upset I lost my head and have no idea about how to arrange the rest tasks. Therefore, I have to leave enough fragmented time for such occasional issues, such as communicating with my English reading group members and other members of the time management traing course.

2. I'm still unable to be 100% concentrated on my tasks. When I'm interrupted or move on from one task to another, I'm distracted easily and it will take me some time go get back to the task. I haven't yet found a workable solution to this issue.

3. As long as I turn on the TV or read messages on mobile phone, it's hard to leave them and go back to work soon. I can't help reading wechat message, check the change of Stock Market. I'm determined to reduce time wasted on TV or mobile phone. And I need a notebook to record my tasks and time consumption, and the ideas that come into my mind occasionally.

4. If one task is too difficult, I will put it off intentionally and keep giving myself such hint as "I still have time" or "I'll do it later". I need to give priority to this problem and find a way to overcome it. Otherwise I'm afraid I'll never have a chance to achieve my goals.

That's the summary for today. Hope tomorrow it will be much better !


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