lean Ux design 精益设计-读书笔记

lean Ux design 精益设计-读书笔记

作者: Zoe_WANGzxhaha | 来源:发表于2017-05-13 16:06 被阅读0次
    lean ux design 的目的是减少cycle time 循环时间。

    来源于lean manufacturing.

    lean Ux 的三大基础是:

    1. design thinking

    It is a discipline that uses the designer's sensibility and methods to match people's needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunities.

    Design thinking is important for lean UX because it takes the explicit position that every aspect of a business can be approached with design methods.


    2. agile software developing

    agile methods的目的也是为了减少cycle time。

    the core values of Agile are the heart of Lean UX.
    Lean UX design applies the four core principles of Agile development to product design:

    (1) Individuals and interactions over process and tools
    (2) working software over comprehensive documentation
    (3) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    (4) Responding to change over following a plan.

    3. Lean startup method

    lean startup uses a feedback loop called "build-measure-learn" to minimize project risk and gets teams building quickly and learning quickly. Teams build Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and ship them quickly to begin the process of learning as early as possible.

    Lean startup 就是建立快速原型,投入市场,获得用户反馈,在进行改进(降低cycle time)

    The smallest thing you can build to test each hypothesis is your MVP.
    MVP不一定是代码,但是是可操作的end experience. 你通过MVP进行测试, 获得反馈,再改进ideas。


    1. Cross-functional teams跨功能团队

    一个lean UX团队应有各方面人才: software engineering, product management, interaction design, visual design, content strategy, marketing and quality assurance(QA).



          本文标题:lean Ux design 精益设计-读书笔记
