这个简单的线性回归模型是, y=bx+e,其中e服从正态分布(/0,sigma^2*i), 在统计学里这个相似于 y - bX ~ N(0, sigma^2 * I), y | X, b ~ N(bX, sigma^2 * I), 这个模型的损失函数类似于预测值与真实值的方差损失函数, 这个模型的变量b可以通过下式计算 b = (X^T X)^{-1} X^T y, 这个公式又被称为伪逆矩阵
class LinearRegression:
The simple linear regression model is
y = bX + e where e ~ N(0, sigma^2 * I)
In probabilistic terms this corresponds to
y - bX ~ N(0, sigma^2 * I)
y | X, b ~ N(bX, sigma^2 * I)
The loss for the model is simply the squared error between the model
predictions and the true values:
Loss = ||y - bX||^2
The MLE for the model parameters b can be computed in closed form via the
normal equation
b = (X^T X)^{-1} X^T y
where (X^T X)^{-1} X^T is known as the pseudoinverse / Moore-Penrose
def __init__(self, fit_intercept=True):
self.beta = None
self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
def fit(self, X, y):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]#矩阵拼接
pseudo_inverse = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T, X)), X.T)#求解伪逆矩阵
self.beta = np.dot(pseudo_inverse, y)#求解b即beta为b
def predict(self, X):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
return np.dot(X, self.beta)#预测y=bx
二 岭回归(RidgeRegression)
y = bX + e where e ~ N(0, sigma^2 * I)
RidgeLoss = ||y - bX||^2 + alpha * ||b||^2
b = (X^T X + alpha I)^{-1} X^T y
其中(X^T X + alpha I)^{-1} X^T是被L2系数调整后的伪逆矩阵
class RidgeRegression:
""" Ridge regression uses the same simple linear regression model but adds an additional penalty on the L2-norm of the coefficients to the loss function.
This is sometimes known as Tikhonov regularization.
In particular, the ridge model is still simply
y = bX + e where e ~ N(0, sigma^2 * I)
except now the error for the model is calcualted as
RidgeLoss = ||y - bX||^2 + alpha * ||b||^2
The MLE for the model parameters b can be computed in closed form via the adjusted normal equation:
b = (X^T X + alpha I)^{-1} X^T y
where (X^T X + alpha I)^{-1} X^T is the pseudoinverse / Moore-Penrose inverse adjusted for the L2 penalty on the model coefficients.
def __init__(self, alpha=1, fit_intercept=True):
""" A ridge regression model fit via the normal equation. 岭回归服从正态分布
Parameters(参数) ---------- alpha : float (default: 1) L2 regularization coefficient. Higher values correspond to larger penalty on the l2 norm of the model coefficients
fit_intercept : bool (default: True) Whether to fit an additional intercept term in addition to the model coefficients (系数是否符合截距???) """
self.beta = None
self.alpha = alpha
self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
def fit(self, X, y): # convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept if self.fit_intercept: X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
A = self.alpha * np.eye(X.shape[1])
pseudo_inverse = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X + A), X.T)
self.beta = pseudo_inverse @ y
def predict(self, X): # convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept: X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
return np.dot(X, self.beta)
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
class LogisticRegression:
def __init__(self, penalty="l2", gamma=0, fit_intercept=True):
A simple logistic regression model fit via gradient descent on the
penalized negative log likelihood.
penalty : str (default: 'l2')
The type of regularization penalty to apply on the coefficients
`beta`. Valid entries are {'l2', 'l1'}.
gamma : float in [0, 1] (default: 0)
The regularization weight. Larger values correspond to larger
regularization penalties, and a value of 0 indicates no penalty.
fit_intercept : bool (default: True)
Whether to fit an intercept term in addition to the coefficients in
b. If True, the estimates for `beta` will have M+1 dimensions,
where the first dimension corresponds to the intercept
err_msg = "penalty must be 'l1' or 'l2', but got: {}".format(penalty)
assert penalty in ["l2", "l1"], err_msg
self.beta = None
self.gamma = gamma
self.penalty = penalty
self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
def fit(self, X, y, lr=0.01, tol=1e-7, max_iter=1e7):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
l_prev = np.inf#预设为无穷大
self.beta = np.random.rand(X.shape[1])
for _ in range(int(max_iter)):
y_pred = sigmoid(np.dot(X, self.beta))
loss = self._NLL(X, y, y_pred)
if l_prev - loss < tol:
l_prev = loss
self.beta -= lr * self._NLL_grad(X, y, y_pred)
def _NLL(self, X, y, y_pred):
Penalized negative log likelihood of the targets under the current
NLL = -1/N * (
[sum_{i=0}^N y_i log(y_pred_i) + (1-y_i) log(1-y_pred_i)] -
(gamma ||b||) / 2
N, M = X.shape
order = 2 if self.penalty == "l2" else 1
nll = -np.log(y_pred[y == 1]).sum() - np.log(1 - y_pred[y == 0]).sum()
penalty = 0.5 * self.gamma * np.linalg.norm(self.beta, ord=order)
return (penalty + nll) / N
def _NLL_grad(self, X, y, y_pred):
""" Gradient of the penalized negative log likelihood wrt beta """
N, M = X.shape
p = self.penalty
beta = self.beta
gamma = self.gamma
d_penalty = gamma * beta if p == "l2" else gamma * np.sign(beta)
return -(np.dot(y - y_pred, X) + d_penalty) / N
def predict(self, X):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
return sigmoid(np.dot(X, self.beta))
class BayesianLinearRegressionUnknownVariance:
Bayesian Linear Regression
In its general form, Bayesian linear regression extends the simple linear
regression model by introducing priors on model parameters b and/or the
error variance sigma^2.
The introduction of a prior allows us to quantify the uncertainty in our
parameter estimates for b by replacing the MLE point estimate in simple
linear regression with an entire posterior *distribution*, p(b | X, y,
sigma), simply by applying Bayes rule:
p(b | X, y) = [ p(y | X, b) * p(b | sigma) ] / p(y | X)
We can also quantify the uncertainty in our predictions y* for some new
data X* with the posterior predictive distribution:
p(y* | X*, X, Y) = \int_{b} p(y* | X*, b) p(b | X, y) db
Depending on the choice of prior it may be impossible to compute an
analytic form for the posterior / posterior predictive distribution. In
these cases, it is common to use approximations, either via MCMC or
variational inference.
Bayesian Regression w/ unknown variance
If *both* b and the error variance sigma^2 are unknown, the conjugate prior
for the Gaussian likelihood is the Normal-Gamma distribution (univariate
likelihood) or the Normal-Inverse-Wishart distribution (multivariate
b, sigma^2 ~ NG(b_mean, b_V, alpha, beta)
sigma^2 ~ InverseGamma(alpha, beta)
b | sigma^2 ~ N(b_mean, sigma^2 * b_V)
where alpha, beta, b_V, and b_mean are parameters of the prior.
b, Sigma ~ NIW(b_mean, lambda, Psi, rho)
Sigma ~ N(b_mean, 1/lambda * Sigma)
b | Sigma ~ W^{-1}(Psi, rho)
where b_mean, lambda, Psi, and rho are parameters of the prior.
Due to the conjugacy of the above priors with the Gaussian likelihood of
the linear regression model we can compute the posterior distributions for
the model parameters in closed form:
B = (y - X b_mean)
shape = N + alpha
scale = (1 / shape) * {alpha * beta + B^T ([X b_V X^T + I])^{-1} B}
sigma^2 | X, y ~ InverseGamma(shape, scale)
A = (b_V^{-1} + X^T X)^{-1}
mu_b = A b_V^{-1} b_mean + A X^T y
cov_b = sigma^2 A
b | X, y, sigma^2 ~ N(mu_b, cov_b)
This allows us a closed form for the posterior predictive distribution as
y* | X*, X, Y ~ N(X* mu_b, X* cov_b X*^T + I)
def __init__(self, alpha=1, beta=2, b_mean=0, b_V=None, fit_intercept=True):
Bayesian linear regression model with conjugate Normal-Gamma prior on b
and sigma^2
b, sigma^2 ~ NG(b_mean, b_V, alpha, beta)
sigma^2 ~ InverseGamma(alpha, beta)
b ~ N(b_mean, sigma^2 * b_V)
alpha : float (default: 1)
The shape parameter for the Inverse-Gamma prior on sigma^2. Must be
strictly greater than 0.
beta : float (default: 1)
The scale parameter for the Inverse-Gamma prior on sigma^2. Must be
strictly greater than 0.
b_mean : np.array of shape (M,) or float (default: 0)
The mean of the Gaussian prior on b. If a float, assume b_mean is
np.ones(M) * b_mean.
b_V : np.array of shape (N, N) or np.array of shape (N,) or None
A symmetric positive definite matrix that when multiplied
element-wise by b_sigma^2 gives the covariance matrix for the
Gaussian prior on b. If a list, assume b_V=diag(b_V). If None,
assume b_V is the identity matrix.
fit_intercept : bool (default: True)
Whether to fit an intercept term in addition to the coefficients in
b. If True, the estimates for b will have M+1 dimensions, where
the first dimension corresponds to the intercept
# this is a placeholder until we know the dimensions of X
b_V = 1.0 if b_V is None else b_V
if isinstance(b_V, list):
b_V = np.array(b_V)
if isinstance(b_V, np.ndarray):
if b_V.ndim == 1:
b_V = np.diag(b_V)
elif b_V.ndim == 2:
assert is_symmetric_positive_definite(
), "b_V must be symmetric positive definite"
self.b_V = b_V
self.beta = beta
self.alpha = alpha
self.b_mean = b_mean
self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
self.posterior = {"mu": None, "cov": None}
self.posterior_predictive = {"mu": None, "cov": None}
def fit(self, X, y):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
N, M = X.shape
beta = self.beta
self.X, self.y = X, y
if is_number(self.b_V):
self.b_V *= np.eye(M)
if is_number(self.b_mean):
self.b_mean *= np.ones(M)
# sigma
I = np.eye(N)
a = y - np.dot(X, self.b_mean)
b = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X, self.b_V).dot(X.T) + I)
c = y - np.dot(X, self.b_mean)
shape = N + self.alpha
sigma = (1 / shape) * (self.alpha * beta ** 2 + np.dot(a, b).dot(c))
scale = sigma ** 2
# b_sigma is the mode of the inverse gamma prior on sigma^2
b_sigma = scale / (shape - 1)
# mean
b_V_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.b_V)
l = np.linalg.inv(b_V_inv + np.dot(X.T, X))
r = np.dot(b_V_inv, self.b_mean) + np.dot(X.T, y)
mu = np.dot(l, r)
cov = l * b_sigma
# posterior distribution for sigma^2 and c
self.posterior = {
"sigma**2": {"dist": "InvGamma", "shape": shape, "scale": scale},
"b | sigma**2": {"dist": "Gaussian", "mu": mu, "cov": cov},
def predict(self, X):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
I = np.eye(X.shape[0])
mu = np.dot(X, self.posterior["b | sigma**2"]["mu"])
cov = np.dot(X, self.posterior["b | sigma**2"]["cov"]).dot(X.T) + I
# MAP estimate for y corresponds to the mean of the posterior
# predictive
self.posterior_predictive["mu"] = mu
self.posterior_predictive["cov"] = cov
return mu
class BayesianLinearRegressionKnownVariance:
Bayesian Linear Regression
In its general form, Bayesian linear regression extends the simple linear
regression model by introducing priors on model parameters b and/or the
error variance sigma^2.
The introduction of a prior allows us to quantify the uncertainty in our
parameter estimates for b by replacing the MLE point estimate in simple
linear regression with an entire posterior *distribution*, p(b | X, y,
sigma), simply by applying Bayes rule:
p(b | X, y) = [ p(y | X, b) * p(b | sigma) ] / p(y | X)
We can also quantify the uncertainty in our predictions y* for some new
data X* with the posterior predictive distribution:
p(y* | X*, X, Y) = \int_{b} p(y* | X*, b) p(b | X, y) db
Depending on the choice of prior it may be impossible to compute an
analytic form for the posterior / posterior predictive distribution. In
these cases, it is common to use approximations, either via MCMC or
variational inference.
Bayesian linear regression with known variance
If we happen to already know the error variance sigma^2, the conjugate
prior on b is Gaussian. A common parameterization is:
b | sigma, b_V ~ N(b_mean, sigma^2 * b_V)
where b_mean, sigma and b_V are hyperparameters. Ridge regression is a
special case of this model where b_mean = 0, sigma = 1 and b_V = I (ie.,
the prior on b is a zero-mean, unit covariance Gaussian).
Due to the conjugacy of the above prior with the Gaussian likelihood in the
linear regression model, we can compute the posterior distribution over the
model parameters in closed form:
A = (b_V^{-1} + X^T X)^{-1}
mu_b = A b_V^{-1} b_mean + A X^T y
cov_b = sigma^2 A
b | X, y ~ N(mu_b, cov_b)
which allows us a closed form for the posterior predictive distribution as
y* | X*, X, Y ~ N(X* mu_b, X* cov_b X*^T + I)
def __init__(self, b_mean=0, b_sigma=1, b_V=None, fit_intercept=True):
Bayesian linear regression model with known error variance and
conjugate Gaussian prior on b
b | b_mean, sigma^2, b_V ~ N(b_mean, sigma^2 * b_V)
Ridge regression is a special case of this model where b_mean = 0,
sigma = 1 and b_V = I (ie., the prior on b is a zero-mean, unit
covariance Gaussian).
b_mean : np.array of shape (M,) or float (default: 0)
The mean of the Gaussian prior on b. If a float, assume b_mean is
np.ones(M) * b_mean.
b_sigma : float (default: 1)
A scaling term for covariance of the Gaussian prior on b
b_V : np.array of shape (N,N) or np.array of shape (N,) or None
A symmetric positive definite matrix that when multiplied
element-wise by b_sigma^2 gives the covariance matrix for the
Gaussian prior on b. If a list, assume b_V=diag(b_V). If None,
assume b_V is the identity matrix.
fit_intercept : bool (default: True)
Whether to fit an intercept term in addition to the coefficients in
b. If True, the estimates for b will have M+1 dimensions, where
the first dimension corresponds to the intercept
# this is a placeholder until we know the dimensions of X
b_V = 1.0 if b_V is None else b_V
if isinstance(b_V, list):
b_V = np.array(b_V)
if isinstance(b_V, np.ndarray):
if b_V.ndim == 1:
b_V = np.diag(b_V)
elif b_V.ndim == 2:
assert is_symmetric_positive_definite(
), "b_V must be symmetric positive definite"
self.posterior = {}
self.posterior_predictive = {}
self.b_V = b_V
self.b_mean = b_mean
self.b_sigma = b_sigma
self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept
def fit(self, X, y):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
N, M = X.shape
self.X, self.y = X, y
if is_number(self.b_V):
self.b_V *= np.eye(M)
if is_number(self.b_mean):
self.b_mean *= np.ones(M)
b_V = self.b_V
b_mean = self.b_mean
b_sigma = self.b_sigma
b_V_inv = np.linalg.inv(b_V)
l = np.linalg.inv(b_V_inv + np.dot(X.T, X))
r = np.dot(b_V_inv, b_mean) + np.dot(X.T, y)
mu = np.dot(l, r)
cov = l * b_sigma ** 2
# posterior distribution over b conditioned on b_sigma
self.posterior["b"] = {"dist": "Gaussian", "mu": mu, "cov": cov}
def predict(self, X):
# convert X to a design matrix if we're fitting an intercept
if self.fit_intercept:
X = np.c_[np.ones(X.shape[0]), X]
I = np.eye(X.shape[0])
mu = np.dot(X, self.posterior["b"]["mu"])
cov = np.dot(X, self.posterior["b"]["cov"]).dot(X.T) + I
# MAP estimate for y corresponds to the mean of the posterior
# predictive distribution
self.posterior_predictive = {"dist": "Gaussian", "mu": mu, "cov": cov}
return mu