1. What’s the matter?
2. Why do you look so sad?
3. Ada has a new job.
4. She’s going to Beijing.
5. Really? When is she leaving?
6. She’s leaving at the end of next week.
7. That soon?
8. Yes, she just told me.
9. That’s too bad.
10. I really enjoy working with her.
11. Me too.
12. I’m going to miss her.
13. Let’s have a going-away party for her.
14. Good idea.
15. How about this weekend?
16. Friday evening would be better.
17. We can have it after work.
18. Yes, Friday is better.
19. Let’s go to her favorite restaurant, ok?
20. Which one? The Italian one, or the German one?
21. The Italian one has better food, so let’s go there.
22.Their pizzas are awesome.
23. OK, I’ll make the reservations.
24. Let me check with Ada first.
25. We don’t want her to miss her party.
26. Yeah, that’s for sure.
27. And could you please invite everyone in the office?
28. Sure, no problem.
29. Nobody will want to miss it.