
作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-05-21 09:43 被阅读0次

    title: countermeasure
    date: 2019-05-21 09:33:23
    NO_sents: 54
    NO_references: 20


    • Breeding for resistance to the agent is an active countermeasure that can be taken, although the task can be complex 56. (Burdon, 2006)
    • To promote compliance with management strategies, the countermeasure adopted should be as unambiguous, rational, and simple as possible. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • As a countermeasure to this fragmentation, two CSOs, including clones from a multitude of stands, have been constructed in Thuringia, thereby reunifying the different gene pools. (Hansen, 2008)
    • In general, functions with high complexity tend to overfit without some countermeasure. (Morota et al., 2018)
    • Therefore, the ultimate countermeasure against overfitting is to simply increase the size of the dataset, particularly over the space on which the current dataset is sparse. (Morota et al., 2018)
    • One alternative countermeasure is to introduce a heuristic penalty against the unnatural behavior of the probability model, where the definition of "naturality" is determined by the user. (Morota et al., 2018)
    • Yet another countermeasure against overfitting and unnatural behavior involves using a physically sound probabilistic model. (Morota et al., 2018)
    • The best countermeasure is therefore an early warning to give affected regions or communities more time to prepare for impact." (Krantz, 2017)
    • As a countermeasure, plants have evolved R genes, the products of which can detect the presence of specific effectors 1. (Periyannan, 2017)
    • As a countermeasure, the male-sterile lines of C. japonica are planned to be used for reforestation. (Plomion, Bousquet, Kole, 2011)
    • Among such risks, propagation failure, cultivar decline, and imperfect clonal evaluation all call for specific, targeted countermeasures; delayed failure of clones, however, calls mainly for risk spread. (Burdon, 2006)
    • There are ways of combating the maturation problem, all involving active countermeasures, which are explained more fully elsewhere 2, 21. (Burdon, 2006)
    • Existing pests may be basically predictable in their behaviour, such that various targeted countermeasures can be applied, which can be superimposed upon risk spread. (Burdon, 2006)
    • When a known biotic hazard is identified, a range of countermeasures becomes possible 1. (Burdon, 2006)
    • Concluding Remarks Of the risk classes, both propagation failure and cultivar decline can be addressed by active and targeted countermeasures. (Burdon, 2006)
    • The possible countermeasures are numerous, but should be tailored to the problems that arise. (Burdon, 2006)
    • Several hypotheses have been offered, including the impact of public health countermeasures, of individual behavioral responses to the epidemic, of seasonality on transmission and severity, of genetic changes in the virus over time (Ferguson et al, 2005; Barry, 2003). (Carlin, Louis, Carlin, 2009)
    • For highly mobile pests at least, countermeasures may need to be standardized and synchronized over large areas, sometimes whole countries. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • Another strategy incorporating a wide range of chemical and nonchemical countermeasures was introduced on Israeli cotton in 1987. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • Research on the causes and inheritance of such resistance is providing valuable insights into the threats facing Bt plants and the efficacy of possible countermeasures. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • Recovery teams can deploy an array of countermeasures that includes booms, skimmers, sorbents, pumps, burning, and surfactants for chemical dispersion. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • A major determinant of whether this strategy is favored is the nature of the costs to the host of investing in resistance mechanisms and to the parasitoid in investing in countermeasures. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
    • In the face of intense sexual conflict, females more often than not evolve some countermeasures (Arnqvist and Rowe 2005). (Makinen, Panova, Andre, 2007)
    • Although some countermeasures to minimise this problem can be taken, Pfeier et al (1997) reported that in Norway spruce only 20% of the primer pairs designed for SSRs ampli甧d a single variable locus, which is a prerequisite for the use of these markers for diversity analysis. (Paglia, Olivieri, Morgante, 1998)
    • In that they involve known but ubiquitous problems that are generally amenable to specific countermeasures, they differ from these risks addressed in the preceding paper, which mostly relate to almost complete uncertainties. (Aimers-Halliday, Burdon, 2003)
    • But, while the problems are well recognised, and there are already many available countermeasures, much research remains to be done in order to provide dependable solutions. (Aimers-Halliday, Burdon, 2003)
    • Recently, a severe allergy to sugi pollen, Japanese cedar pollinosis, has become a big social problem in Japan, and many countermeasures are required. (Yoshimaru et al., 1998)
    • If, on the other hand, resistance is mainly due to chemical or physical resistance traits, an increased pressure on weevil populations to evolve countermeasures can emerge by planting just resistant material (Brown 2015). (Zas et al., 2017)
    • However, an interesting and easy to apply practice that emerges from the results of this paper is to remove the most susceptible families from the spruce breeding program or to use the families with a higher resistance where there is need to enhance the protective countermeasures against pine weevil damage. (Zas et al., 2017)
    • Also, some of the risks associated with huge local dependence on radiata were often easier for such owners to address by global risk spread than by supporting R&D to develop active but expensive countermeasures to those risks. (Burdon, Libby, Brown, 2017)
    • Periodic monitoring of harvesting operations should identify excessive site disturbance and damage, and allow for implementation of effective countermeasures. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
    • The most advanced transport planning solutions with optimized functions, however, offer direct countermeasures to system disturbances. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)



