107. 听讼,吾犹人也。必也使无讼乎!(孔子希望能建立一个无诉讼的社会,让一切问题在礼制范围内解决。)
I have the same ability in settling a lawsuit as others do. But what is important is to make sure there are no lawsuits!
108. 君子成人之美,不成人之恶。小人反是。
A virtuous man helps others to fulfill their nice wishes but not their evil ones. A base man does the opposite.
109. 政者正也。子帅以正,孰敢不正?
To govern means to act rightly. If you take the lead on the right way, who else dares to go astray?
110. 苟子之不欲,虽赏之不窃。
If you are not insatiate, no one would steal even if you should reward them for doing that.
111. 君子之德风,小人之德草,草上之风,必偃。
The moral influence of the superior men is like the wind, while the moral inclination of the inferior men is like grass. Where the wind blows, the grass will bend.
(Leaders should take the lead in establishing good social customs to influence the common people.)
112. 子欲善而民善矣。 12.19 (这是对国君说的。)
Let your conducts be good, and the people will conduct well, too.
113. 攻其恶,无攻人之恶。
Rebuke yourself for your faults instead of rebuking others for theirs.
114. 忠告而善道之,不可则止,毋自辱也。
Give your friend faithful advice, and skillfully talk him round. But if he refuses to listen to you, just stop. Do not bring disgrace upon yourself.
(Never impose your advice on your friends, not even when you think your advice is the best in the world.)