

作者: Andy老师 | 来源:发表于2017-08-29 20:42 被阅读0次




    另一种现象对于东亚来说也很独特,尤其像香港一类的地区,补习天王、天后们的出现衍生出了一种全新的教育形式,英国BBC曾对此称:“光鲜的外表下,明星家教们在别致发型和各种设计元素的衬托下享受偶像般的待遇,并带着粉丝加入到自己的行列。” 逐渐,高级教育公司意识到只要是以人为中心的教育需求,没有能离得开人物包装,整个教育产业都应该遵循此原则,不然就会落伍脱节。


    希望这篇文章对于从事教育工作的读者们和作为家长及学生的读者们都能有所帮助。我在此不得不说我是通过“血的教训”才得来这一番经验之谈的,所以请读者朋友们相信我,如果能参与帮助到大家那我一定在所不辞,尽力帮助大家攻克难关。不幸的是, 有时在适当的时候,你可能不得不接受一些粉墨修饰的的概念,比如超级明星之类的元素,那你的教育产品应该还有很长一段路要走。


    The best education product does not always win

    Do you guys know why there are a multitude of problems with the private sector education market in China? Because the best educational method/product does not always win. It's like any product really,you need the marketing and branding For people like myself that have been frustrated by this for years, when you help clients try really hard to build a product that really optimizes students’ learning, only to be drowned there. These days, I have ensured all my clients understand that if they are trying to build a proper teaching product, they either need celebrity endorsements or build up their own star instructors.

    Celebrity endorsements for years have been involved in China’s nascent advertising industry, and as China Daily quite rightly puts it, the Chinese have a history of risk-aversion and collectivism, which means to see a public figure endorsing a product automatically gives it more trust than usual. As I even mentioned recently in my article titledIf you only use 1 on 1 learning, you are getting scammed!- “I’ve noticed a phenomenon lately, there are tons of online education banners across numerous bus stations, subway stations, malls etc and a lot of them also feature a very well-known celebrity but whose presence on there makes you question, huh? Why XXXX is advertising for this?!”

    The above is absolutely true, I’m not trying to bash on celebrity endorsements because I also have clients that are exploring such advertising opportunities, but think about it - if you need a celebrity Tang Wei to endorse situational learning of the English language, whom by the way I think is a phenomenal actress, but I really don’t understand why she is even relevant, then it really makes you question source credibility concerns. The only reason why Chinese people fall for this is because many seem to think that there is more trust and it is safer if a celebrity is willing to use the particular product (whether or not he or she actually uses the product in reality...go figure). Of course, physical appearances can neuter any doubts about the celebrity’s expertise, to the point where attractiveness alone can transmit authority over a particular category of products and brand ownership. Trust is the essence of business in China, especially when people get scammed and ripped off everywhere, so having that celebrity back your product up is why companies believe is all-so-important.

    Another phenomenon that is quite unique to East Asia, and in places especially like Hong Kong, there is the advent of tutor kings and queens. As BBC News once mentioned about this trend, “looks sell. Celebrity tutors in their sophisticated hair-dos and designer trappings are treated like idols by their young fans who flock to their classes.” The top educational companies are beginning to realize that any people-centered education needs proper branding(人物包装), and the entire educational sector needs to start playing catchup if they haven’t already done so.

    Look, I’ve never been one to chase fame nor am I craving it, and I certainly don’t think fame will arrive on the sole basis of sharing with you guys and my existing corporate clients my real-life experiences. Likewise, most of my clients feel the same way as I do, but there comes a time when you get sick of awesome products get shoved in the background and watch all these shitty products get so much traction that they can afford to hire kickass PR teams to drown out customer complaints. I mean, half of these products don’t work yet customers keep coming back for more because the better products never get any sort of proper exposure. As the old saying goes, money and looks matter! If you want to make sure people even pay attention to your product, then you need to treat this article of mine as a doctrine!

    For all those of you honest educators and school administrators out there that are trying to reach my other group of readers - parents and students, I hope this is good food for thought. Trust me, I learned the hard way so don’t fall for this trap. I’d be happy to get involved and help you out on your mission, because I’ve certainly made it mine to assist those that fight an uphill battle. Unfortunately, sometimes when appropriate, you may just have to embrace that concept of adding a bit of gold dust, i.e. a superstar element, will go a long way in pushing your educational product.

    Translations Guide:

    If you only use 1 on 1 learning, you are getting scammed!


    - Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese and Third Culture Kid (TCK)

    多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人, 典型第三文化人士(TCK)

    - Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy


    - Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China


    - UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador


    - Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions


    - Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments


    - Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems


    欢迎大家关注其自媒体平台Andy Z老师。



