

作者: 玩英语 | 来源:发表于2016-12-26 10:50 被阅读154次


    1984年,美国的成人教育学创始人Malcolm Knowles先生创立成人教育学(Andragogy)的时,曾提出成人教育的四大原则

    1 Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.

    2 Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for the learning activities.

    3 Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance and impact to their job or personal life.

    4 Adult learning is problem-centered rather than content-oriented. (Kearsley, 2010)



    MBTI distribution in USA


    MBTI全称Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,是一种迫选型、自我报告式的性格评估工具,用以衡量和描述人们在获取信息、作出决策、对待生活等方面的心理活动规律和性格类型。它已经被翻译成近20种世界主要语言。






    第二组维度:获取信息的方式 -你会通过什么方式获取信息?

    S感觉 (Sensing)的人喜欢收集实在和具体的信息,即在现实里正在发生的信息。对于身边发生的细节、能够观察细致,并能够和实际环境大致协调。关注由感觉器官获取的具体信息:看到的、听到的、闻到的、尝到的、触摸到的事物  例如:关注细节、喜欢描述、喜欢使用和琢磨已知的技能。





    The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry 岛上书店

    For ISTJ

    岛上书店是间维多利亚风格的小屋,门廊上挂着褪色的招牌,上面写着: 没有谁是一座孤岛,每本书都是一个世界 A.J.费克里,人近中年,在一座与世隔绝的小岛上,经营一家书店。 命运从未眷顾过他,爱妻去世,书店危机,就连唯一值钱的宝贝也遭窃。他的人生陷入僵局,他的内心沦为荒岛。 就在此时,一个神秘的包袱出现在书店中,意外地拯救了陷于孤独绝境中的A.J.,成为了连接他和小姨子伊斯梅、警长兰比亚斯、出版社女业务员阿米莉娅之间的纽带,为他的生活带来了转机。 小岛上的几个生命紧紧相依,走出了人生的困境,而所有对书和生活的热爱都周而复始,愈加汹涌。

    the lost sisterhood

    For ISFJ

    Philologist and Oxford lecturer Diana Morgan has been obsessed with the mythical tribe of women warriors known as the Amazons since childhood, when her grandmother claimed to be one, then disappeared without a trace. When Diana is invited on a mysterious expedition that claims to have proof of the Amazon's existence, she's too brave (and stubborn) to refuse, even though the plan seems shady. Diana is soon trekking across continents to uncover the truth about the women warriors—and her own family. This sweeping novel switches back and forth in time between Diana and her ancient counterpart Myrina, putting a unique spin on the familiar tale of the Trojan War

    To kill a mockingbird

    For INFJ


    Pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见

    For INTJ


    The Signature of All Things

    For ISTP

    Gilbert's sweeping novel follows the life of the enigmatic Alma Whittaker, a 19th century scientist (before that was even a word). A maker at heart, and very aware of her strengths and limitations, Alma struggles to develop her unifying "Theory of Competitive Alteration" to describe her findings. Gilbert brings the field of botany to life in this ambitious novel. (Who would have thought moss could be so interesting?)


    For ISFP



    Anne of Green Gables 红发安妮

    For  INFP


    11/22/63: A Novel

    For INTP


    In King's beloved Maine, high school English teacher Jake Epping discovers a doorway into the past: into 1958, to be precise. In true INTP style, Epping starts experimenting, and realizes any changes he makes in 1958 have a corresponding effect in the present. (INTPs are inventive, creative, and smart, and tend to act on ideas that aren't fully developed—like, say, stepping into a wormhole into 1958.) Before long, Epping commits himself to a bold mission: to prevent the Kennedy assassination. King's weird blend of history is decidedly creepy, but not scary, and I found it enthralling, if a bit long

    Gone with the wind 飘

    For ESTP

    This epic Civil War drama tells the tale of the Old South from the dawn of the war through Reconstruction through the eyes of Scarlett O'Hara, a beautiful, vivacious Southern belle, and a quintessential ESTP. Dramatic and passionate, Scarlett delights in being the center of attention: she is quite literally the belle of the ball. Like many ESTPs, Scarlett can turn on the charm or be intensely practical (or both at once, if you consider her marriages). ESTPs live in the present and believe life is a daring adventure: Scarlett barely hesitates before she takes on midwifery, the Union Army, Atlanta burning, or battlefield hospitals. Her enthusiastic adventures keep you turning the pages

    everyone is beautiful

    For ESFP

    In this breezy, relatable novel we meet Lanie Coates: a talented artist whose creative work has slowly been crowded out by her three small boys. Lanie's spontaneous style is hampered by the demands of motherhood, and she desperately misses her art. (No surprise: ESFPs have the strongest aesthetic sense of any type.) Things come to a head when Lanie leaves everything behind to move across the country for her husband's career. ESFPs are more likely to avoid conflict than address it, which predictably leads to trouble. It's no spoiler to say that Lanie finds her way back to herself, and she does it by finding a way to let other people shine. Classic ESFP.

    Bridget Jones’s Diary 单身女子日记

    For ENFP

    At the dawn of another New Year, Bridget Jones is 32, single, and desperate to take control of her life—so she starts keeping a diary. Andsucha diary. Bridget is a free spirit, fond of witty banter, enthusiastic abouteverything, and her enthusiasm lives on every page, where she shares her never-lukewarm opinions about everything from diet to work her love life. She may seem flighty, but she's always searching for deeper meaning. She also has great people skills. This might not be obvious when she first meets straight-laced barrister Mark Darcy (INTJ), but the novel is based onPride and Prejudice, so of course they get off to a bumpy start.

    Faithful Place

    For ENTP

    When he was 19, Frank Mackey planned to run off with his girlfriend Rosie Daly: they would cut ties to home, get married, and start a new life in England. When Rosie didn't show, Frank assumed she changed her mind and left without him. But 22 years later, Rosie's suitcase is found hidden in their planned meeting spot. Frank never got over her, and he'll do whatever it takes to uncover what happened. Frank's ENTP qualities make him a first-class detective: he's painfully honest and willing to deal with unpleasant truths. He knows his weak spots, expects the sucker punch. He believes the most important thing every man should know is what he would die for. Depressing, but French tells a great story. This is the third book in her Dublin Murder Squad series, which can be read in any order。

    Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand

    For ESTJ

    Major Pettigrew is your typical model citizen: honest, dedicated, and dignified, devoted to tradition and order. He has clear ideas about what is acceptable, is absolutely inflexible, and sticks to his principles in all situations. So when an unexpected friendship, and then maybe something more, blossoms between this consummate Englishman and the local Pakistani shopkeeper, the whole village is aghast. Like most ESTJs, Major Pettigrew is socially adept, but not great at reading other peoples' emotions, and that leads to all sorts of misadventures on the road to happiness. A winsome story with an unlikely hero.

    North and South

    For ESFJ

    This is Gaskell's Pride and Prejudice. Margaret Hale, an outspoken and energetic woman from the South of England, is forced to move to an industrial town in the North with her family. As an ESFJ, Margaret is resistant to change, and is sentimental about the loss of her old, idyllic life. Margaret has zero qualms about calling out anything unjust, and she forms immediate, strong opinions about the Northern factories, which she doesn't hesitate to share with John Thornton, who runs a local mill. But as Margaret begins to understand and participate in Milton life, she begins to understand, and then enjoy, the town and its people—and can see that she's been clinging to a romanticized version of life in the South, and has seriously misjudged Mr. Thornton as well. (Don't skip the book, but the 2004 BBC miniseries is terrific.)

    For ENFJ

    Jane Austen called Emma "a heroine whom no one but myself will much like." That may have been true had Emma remained as she was on page one: 21 years old, "handsome, clever, and rich," vain and snobbish. But, Austen's own opinion aside, she's not hopeless. Charismatic and confident, Emma is a natural leader. She loves being the center of attention, yet takes a genuine interest in others—and has a tendency to get a little to involved in their problems, especially when it comes to matchmaking. (No surprise: relationships are central to an ENFJs life.) In fact, she's so focused on her idealistic dreams for other people's matches that she fails to perceive what's actually happening, whether in her own relationships, or theirs. Emma's eyes are opened when that vanity becomes the source of her worse pain, plunging her into the familiar Austen journey of regret, remorse, and self-discovery.

    Still Life

    For ENTJ

    Armand Gamache, head of homicide for the Sûreté du Québec, is summoned to investigate a murder in the sleepy village of Three Pines. In Penny's novels, the murders aren't the focus of the story, exactly—they're an excuse to explore human nature, including the sharp-minded inspector himself. ENTJs love a good challenge, and believe any puzzle can be solved if you pay attention to the right things. Gamache is an expert listener: he claims his job is to "collect the evidence, but also to collect the emotions." Gamache is charismatic and inspiring, larger than life to his team and the villagers, quietly heroic and incredibly kind. It's no wonder Penny calls him her "ideal man," and keeps cranking out novels for him to star in.






