6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

作者: Girlin | 来源:发表于2018-05-30 19:31 被阅读0次

6.11 周一 (Anna&David)

你想不想 How would you like to go

和我一起去捕虾? into the shrimping business with me?

好的 O.K.

兄弟,你听我说 Man, I tell you what.

我全计划好了 I got it all figured out, too.

我们捕到的虾多少磅 So many pounds of shrimp

拿来付买船的贷款 will pay off the boat.

多少磅拿来付油费 So many pounds for gas.

我们住在船上就行 We'll live right on the boat.

这样就不用付房租 We ain't got to pay no rent.

我们合伙来干 We can just work it together,

全部都对半分 split everything right down the middle.

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表


兄弟,告诉你,五五分成 Man, I'm telling you, 50-50.

还有,福雷斯,虾可以随便吃 Hey, Forrest, all the shrimp you can eat.

真是个好主意 That's a fine idea.

布巴的主意真得很好 Bubba did have a fine idea.

我甚至写信给珍妮 I even wrote Jenny

告诉她这件事情 and told her all about it.

我给她寄信„ I sent her letters--

差不多每天都寄 Not every day, but almost.

告诉她我在做的事 I told her what I was doing

也问她在做些什么 and asked her what she was doing告诉她我经常想念她 and told her how I thought about her always.

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

6.13 周三(Aprillily&Sam)❗️

和我多么希望 And how I was looking forward

能收到她一封回信 to getting a letter from her

只要她有时间 just as soon as she had the time.

我总是告诉她我很平安 I'd always let her know that I was O. K.

然后我的落款总是“爱你的福雷斯甘” Then I'd sign each letter "Love, Forrest Gump. "

有埋伏! Ambush!

快找掩护! Take cover!

快把它拿过来,见鬼 Get that pig up here, god damn it!

福雷斯,你没事吧? Forrest! You okay?

强手,强手! Strong-arm, Strong-arm!

嘿!有个人倒下了! Hey! We got a man down!

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

6.14 周四(Girlin&Alex)

他们压住我们了 They got us, and it hurt.

我们准备撤退 We're going to move back to the blue line.

撤退!撤退! Pull back! Pull back!

福雷斯!跑,福雷斯! Forrest! Run, Forrest!

我一直跑,就象珍妮要我做的 I ran and ran just like Jenny told me to.

我跑得这么快这么远 I ran so far so fast

很快就只剩下我一个人 that pretty soon I was all by myself,

这下糟糕了 which was a bad thing.

布巴 Bubba.

布巴是我最好的朋友 Bubba was my best good friend.

我要保证他没事 I had to make sure he was O.K.

你在哪儿? Where the hell are you?

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

6.15 周五:(Fiona&Kam)❗️

我回去找布巴途中 And on my way back to find Bubba,

发现有个人躺在地上 well, there was this boy laying on the ground.

泰克斯 Tex.

我不能让他单独躺在那里 I couldn't let him lay there all alone,

他非常害怕 scared the way he was,

所以我扶起他 so I grabbed him up

背他逃出那里 and run him out of there.

每次我回去找布巴 Every time I went back looking for Bubba,

总有人在喊:somebody else was saying,

“救命,福雷斯,救命! ” "Help me, Forrest, help me! "

好了,好了 O.K. Here. Here .

不要怕,兄弟,躺下,你会没事的 No sweat, man. Lay back. You'll be O.K.

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

6.16 周六:(小碳&Leah)

我开始担心我可能永远找不到布巴 I started to get scared that I might never find Bubba. 我知道我的处境 I know my position

越来越危险! is danger close!

我知道他死了! I know he's dead!

我他妈的整个排全完了! My whole goddamn platoon is wiped out!

该死的! God damn it!

你干什么? What are you doing?

你把我放下! You leave me here!

走开,把我留在这里! Get away . Just leave me here!走开! Get out!

啊!我说把我留在这儿,该死的! Aah! God, I said leave me here, God damn it!

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表

6.17 周日:(shelly&David)

突然好象有什么东西跳起来咬我 Then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me.

啊!什么东西在咬我! Aah! Something bit me!

你这狗娘养的! You son of a bitch!

我不能离开我的排 I can't leave the platoon.

我叫你把我留在那里,阿甘 I told you to leave me there, Gump.丢下我,你自己逃吧! Forget about me. Get your self out!

你听到我的话没有? Did you hear what I said?

阿甘,见鬼,放下我 Gump, damn it, put me down.

你自己逃吧 Get your ass out of here.

我没叫你救我出去,去你妈的! I didn't ask you to pull me out of there, God damn you!

你又要去哪里? Where the hell do you think you're going?

去找布巴 To get Bubba.

6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表


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      本文标题:6.11~6.17  阿甘正传 排表
