2007年高考英语北京卷 - 阅读理解A

2007年高考英语北京卷 - 阅读理解A

作者: 让文字更美 | 来源:发表于2022-04-12 15:44 被阅读0次


    $14, 615

    TIME IS IT. Over 92% of people who own exercise equipment and 88% of people who own health club memberships do not exercise. A 4-minute complete workout is no longer hard to believe for all the people who have bought our excellent Range for 30 days end up buying it, due to the health benefits experienced during that tryout and the ROM performance score that tells the story of health and fitness improvement. At under 20 cents per use the 4-minute Rom exercise is the least expensive full body complete exercise a person can do. How do we know that it is under 20 cents per use? Over 90% of Rom machines go to private homes, but we have a few that are in commercial use for 12 years and they have endured over 80, 000 users each, without need of repair. The ROM 4-minute workout is for people from 10 to over 100 years old and highly trained athletes as well. The ROM balances blood sugar, and repairs bad backs and shoulders. Too good to be true? Get out free video and see for yourself. The best proof for us is that 97% of rentals become sales. Please visit our website at www.fitness.com or call(800)123-6460.
    是时候了。92%以上拥有健身器材的人和88%拥有健身俱乐部会员资格的人并不健身。4分钟的完整训练不再让人难以置信,因为所有购买了我们30天卓越训练系列的人因为在试训期间体验到的健康益处以及健身改善的ROM表现得分最终都购买了它。每次不到20美分,使用4分钟的Rom健身器材是个人能做的最便宜的全身运动。我们是如何知道每次不到20美分的?超过90%的Rom机器用于私人家庭,但我们有一些已经在商业上使用了12年,每台超过8万用户,不需要维修。ROM 4分钟训练计划适合10岁至100岁以上的人,也包括训练有素的运动员。ROM平衡血糖,修复背部肩部损伤。好得难以置信?有免费视频可以自己看。对我们来说,最好的证据是97%的租赁变成了销售。请访问我们的网站www.fitness.com 或致电(800)123-6460。

    Pactory Showroom: EOMFAB.823 Main Street, Batom Ronge, LA70893
    Fax(800)123-6461 Email:sakes@fitness.com



          本文标题:2007年高考英语北京卷 - 阅读理解A
