AppleScript 循环
夙小叶 | 来源:发表于
2020-06-27 11:22 被阅读0次
截屏2020-06-27 11.21.36.png
set value to 0
set target to 2
repeat with value from 1 to target by 1
display notification "元气满满,加油!^_^ " with title "♨️ 开始工作吧!" sound name "japan_crosswalk"
delay 1200
display notification "喝杯咖啡,眺望一下远处" with title "☕️ 休息一下" sound name "japan_crosswalk"
delay 30
display notification "准备进入状态吧! o(^▽^)o " with title "📖 休息结束啦!" sound name "japan_crosswalk"
delay 20
if value = target then
say "您已经盯了我 40 多分钟了,还请休息一下"
delay 10
end if
end repeat
本文标题:AppleScript 循环