# pkgsearch包功能测试_20210126
## 1.设置当前目录
## 2.安装和导入R包
# install.packages("pkgsearch")
## 3.R包简要信息
# Package: pkgsearch
# Title: Search and Query CRAN R Packages
# Version: 3.0.3
# Authors@R: c(
# person("Gábor", "Csárdi",, "csardi.gabor@gmail.com", c("aut", "cre")),
# person("Maëlle", "Salmon", role = "aut",
# comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-2815-0399")),
# person("R Consortium", role = c("fnd")))
# Description: Search CRAN metadata about packages by keyword, popularity,
# recent activity, package name and more. Uses the 'R-hub' search server,
# see <https://r-pkg.org> and the CRAN metadata database, that
# contains information about CRAN packages. Note that this is _not_
# a CRAN project.
# License: MIT + file LICENSE
# LazyData: true
# URL: https://github.com/r-hub/pkgsearch,
# https://r-hub.github.io/pkgsearch/
# BugReports: https://github.com/r-hub/pkgsearch/issues
# Imports: assertthat, curl, jsonlite, parsedate, prettyunits, tibble
# Suggests: mockery, covr, memoise, pingr (>= 2.0.0), rstudioapi, shiny,
# shinyjs, shinyWidgets, testthat (>= 2.1.0), whoami
# Encoding: UTF-8
# RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
# NeedsCompilation: no
# Packaged: 2020-10-08 16:38:15 UTC; gaborcsardi
# Author: Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],
# Maëlle Salmon [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2815-0399>),
# R Consortium [fnd]
# Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
# Repository: CRAN
# Date/Publication: 2020-10-08 17:40:12 UTC
# Built: R 3.6.3; ; 2021-01-21 20:29:36 UTC; windows
# [1] "advanced_search" "cran_events" "cran_package"
# [4] "cran_package_history" "cran_packages" "cran_top_downloaded"
# [7] "cran_trending" "more" "pkg_search"
# [10] "pkg_search_addin" "ps"
## 4.功能测试
### 4.1 advanced_search
# Advanced CRAN package search
# See the Elastic documentation for the syntax and features: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
advanced_search(Maintainer = "ORPHANED")
# - "advanced search" ----------------------------- 37 packages in 0.001 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 Funclustering 1.0.2 ORPHANED 2y Functional Data Clustering
# 2 100 distances 0.1.8 ORPHANED 1y Tools for Distance Metrics
# 3 100 mvcwt 1.3.1 ORPHANED 2y Wavelet Analysis of Multiple Ti...
# 4 96 nhlscrapr 1.8.1 ORPHANED 4y Compiling the NHL Real Time Sco...
# 5 96 NanoStringNorm ORPHANED 5M Normalize NanoString miRNA and ...
# 6 96 SDMTools ORPHANED 1y Species Distribution Modelling ...
# 7 96 datadr ORPHANED 2y Divide and Recombine for Large,...
# 8 86 rda ORPHANED 3y Shrunken Centroids Regularized ...
# 9 86 ggmap 3.0.0 ORPHANED 2y Spatial Visualization with ggplot2
# 10 86 gWidgetstcltk ORPHANED 9M Toolkit implementation of gWidg...
advanced_search(Author = "Hester AND NOT Wickham")
# - "advanced search" ----------------------------- 25 packages in 0.005 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 gmailr 1.0.0 Jim Hester 1y Access the 'Gmail' 'RESTful...
# 2 94 primerTree 1.0.5 Jim Hester 1y Visually Assessing the Spec...
# 3 89 knitrBootstrap 1.0.2 Jim Hester 3y 'knitr' Bootstrap Framework
# 4 86 types 1.0.0 Jim Hester 4y Type Annotations
# 5 85 glue 1.4.2 Jim Hester 5M Interpreted String Literals
# 6 72 pak G谩bor Cs谩rdi 2M Another Approach to Package...
# 7 69 dplyr.teradata 0.4.1 Koji Makiyama 2M A 'Teradata' Backend for 'd...
# 8 66 lintr 2.0.1 Jim Hester 1y A 'Linter' for R Code
# 9 65 decor 1.0.0 Jim Hester 7M Retrieve Code Decorations
# 10 64 mockery 0.4.2 Jim Hester 1y Mocking Library for R
advanced_search("permutation test AND NOT License: GPL OR GNU")
advanced_search("_exists_" = "URL")
# - "advanced search" --------------------------- 9204 packages in 0.001 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 anomalyDetection 0.2.5 Bradley Boehmke 3y Im...
# 2 100 RcppHoney 0.1.7 Daniel C. Dillon 3y It...
# 3 100 QICD 1.2.0 Bo Peng 4y Es...
# 4 100 tsbridge 1.1 Guy J. Abel 7y Ca...
# 5 100 ubeR 0.1.4 Andrew Collier 4y In...
# 6 100 tabplotd3 0.3.3 Edwin de Jonge<edwindjonge@gmail.com> 7y Ta...
# 7 100 GeneReg 1.1.2 Tao Huang 8y Co...
# 8 100 pbdDMAT 0.5.1 Drew Schmidt 2y 'p...
# 9 100 makeParallel 0.1.1 Clark Fitzgerald 2y Tr...
# 10 100 galgo 1.4 Victor Trevino 2y Ge...
advanced_search(package = "ggplot2")
### 4.2 cran_events
# List of all CRAN events (new, updated, archived packages)
# CRAN events (events)------------------------------------------------------------
# . When Package Version Title
# + 9 hours BLCOP 0.3.3 Black-Litterman and Copula Opinion...
# + 9 hours stars 0.5-1 Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and ...
# + 9 hours stringb 0.1.17 Convenient Base R String Handling
# + 10 hours microseq 2.1.4 Basic Biological Sequence Handling
# + 10 hours rgnparser 0.2.0 Parse Scientific Names
# + 10 hours shinythemes 1.2.0 Themes for Shiny
# + 10 hours gert 1.1.0 Simple Git Client for R
# + 10 hours image.textlinedetector 0.1.3 Segment Images in Text Lines and W...
# + 10 hours shiny 1.6.0 Web Application Framework for R
# + 10 hours gwaRs 0.2.0 Manhattan, Q-Q, and PCA Plots usin...
cran_events(limit = 5, releases = FALSE)
# CRAN events (archivals)---------------------------------------------------------
# . When Package Version Title
# - 1 day petro.One 0.2.3 Statistics and Text Mining for Oil and Gas Papers...
# - 1 day testextra Extract Test Blocks
# - 1 day parsetools 0.1.3 Parse Tools
# - 1 day GreedySBTM 1.0 Greedy Stochastic Block Transition Models
# - 1 day GreedyEPL 1.0 Greedy Expected Posterior Loss
cran_events(limit = 5, archivals = FALSE)
# CRAN events (pkgreleases)-------------------------------------------------------
# . When Package Version Title
# + 9 hours BLCOP 0.3.3 Black-Litterman and Copula Opinion Pooling Fram...
# + 9 hours stars 0.5-1 Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data C...
# + 9 hours stringb 0.1.17 Convenient Base R String Handling
# + 10 hours microseq 2.1.4 Basic Biological Sequence Handling
# + 10 hours rgnparser 0.2.0 Parse Scientific Names
summary(cran_events(limit = 10))
# CRAN events (events)
# [1] "BLCOP@0.3.3" "stars@0.5-1"
# [3] "stringb@0.1.17" "microseq@2.1.4"
# [5] "rgnparser@0.2.0" "shinythemes@1.2.0"
# [7] "gert@1.1.0" "image.textlinedetector@0.1.3"
# [9] "shiny@1.6.0" "gwaRs@0.2.0"
### 4.3 cran_package
# Metadata about a CRAN package
# $Package
# [1] "pkgsearch"
# $Title
# [1] "Search and Query CRAN R Packages"
# $Version
# [1] "3.0.3"
# $`Authors@R`
# [1] "c(\nperson(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\",, \"csardi.gabor@gmail.com\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\nperson(\"Maëlle\", \"Salmon\", role = \"aut\",\ncomment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2815-0399\")),\nperson(\"R Consortium\", role = c(\"fnd\")))"
# $Description
# [1] "Search CRAN metadata about packages by keyword, popularity,\nrecent activity, package name and more. Uses the 'R-hub' search server,\nsee <https://r-pkg.org> and the CRAN metadata database, that\ncontains information about CRAN packages. Note that this is _not_\na CRAN project."
# $License
# [1] "MIT + file LICENSE"
# $LazyData
# [1] "true"
# $URL
# [1] "https://github.com/r-hub/pkgsearch,\nhttps://r-hub.github.io/pkgsearch/"
# $BugReports
# [1] "https://github.com/r-hub/pkgsearch/issues"
# $Imports
# $Imports$assertthat
# [1] "*"
# $Imports$curl
# [1] "*"
# $Imports$jsonlite
# [1] "*"
# $Imports$parsedate
# [1] "*"
# $Imports$prettyunits
# [1] "*"
# $Imports$tibble
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests
# $Suggests$mockery
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$covr
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$memoise
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$pingr
# [1] ">= 2.0.0"
# $Suggests$rstudioapi
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$shiny
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$shinyjs
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$shinyWidgets
# [1] "*"
# $Suggests$testthat
# [1] ">= 2.1.0"
# $Suggests$whoami
# [1] "*"
# $Encoding
# [1] "UTF-8"
# $RoxygenNote
# [1] "7.1.1"
# $NeedsCompilation
# [1] "no"
# $Packaged
# [1] "2020-10-08 16:38:15 UTC; gaborcsardi"
# $Author
# [1] "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\nMaëlle Salmon [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2815-0399>),\nR Consortium [fnd]"
# $Maintainer
# [1] "Gábor Csárdi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>"
# $Repository
# [1] "CRAN"
# $`Date/Publication`
# [1] "2020-10-08 17:40:12 UTC"
# $crandb_file_date
# [1] "2020-10-08 19:02:39"
# $MD5sum
# [1] "d3f8da070b25bb7dfb14a58e13fb7ed7"
# $date
# [1] "2020-10-08T16:40:12+00:00"
# $releases
# list()
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "cran_package"
# function (name, version = NULL)
### 4.4 cran_packages
# Metadata about multiple CRAN packages
#@ Get metadata about one package
# A tibble: 1 x 22
# Package Title Version `Authors@R` Description License LazyData URL BugReports
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 rhub Conn~ 1.1.1 "c(\nperso~ "Run 'R CM~ MIT + ~ true http~ https://g~
# # ... with 13 more variables: RoxygenNote <chr>, Encoding <chr>,
# # VignetteBuilder <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>, Packaged <chr>, Author <chr>,
# # Maintainer <chr>, Repository <chr>, `Date/Publication` <chr>,
# # crandb_file_date <chr>, MD5sum <chr>, date <chr>, dependencies <list>
# #@ Get metadata about two packages
cran_packages(c("rhub", "testthat"))
# A tibble: 2 x 25
# Package Title Version `Authors@R` Description License LazyData URL BugReports
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 rhub Conn~ 1.1.1 "c(\nperso~ "Run 'R CM~ MIT + ~ true http~ https://g~
# 2 testth~ Unit~ 3.0.1 "\nc(perso~ "Software ~ MIT + ~ NA http~ https://g~
# # ... with 16 more variables: RoxygenNote <chr>, Encoding <chr>,
# # VignetteBuilder <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>, Packaged <chr>, Author <chr>,
# # Maintainer <chr>, Repository <chr>, `Date/Publication` <chr>,
# # crandb_file_date <chr>, MD5sum <chr>, date <chr>, dependencies <list>,
# # `Config/testthat/edition` <chr>, `Config/testthat/parallel` <chr>,
# # `Config/testthat/start-first` <chr>
#@ If a version does not exist nothing is returned
### 4.5 cran_package_history
# Query the history of a package
# A tibble: 48 x 22
# Package Version Date Title Author Maintainer Description License URL
# * <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 igraph 0.1.1 Janu~ IGra~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 2 igraph 0.1.2 Janu~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ The igraph~ GPL ve~ http~
# 3 igraph 0.2 Janu~ IGra~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 4 igraph 0.2.1 Janu~ IGra~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 5 igraph 0.3.1 Dece~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 6 igraph 0.3.2 Dece~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 7 igraph 0.3.3 Dece~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 8 igraph 0.4 May ~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 9 igraph 0.4.1 May ~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# 10 igraph 0.4.2 May ~ Rout~ Gabor~ Gabor Csa~ Routines f~ GPL ve~ http~
# ... with 38 more rows, and 13 more variables: Packaged <chr>,
# crandb_file_date <chr>, date <chr>, dependencies <list>, Repository <chr>,
# `Date/Publication` <chr>, SystemRequirements <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>,
# BugReports <chr>, Collate <chr>, Encoding <chr>, RoxygenNote <chr>,
# MD5sum <chr>
# A tibble: 40 x 28
# Package Type Title Version Date Author Maintainer Description License
# * <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 2 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5.1 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 3 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5.2 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 4 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5.4 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 5 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5.5 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 6 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5.6 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 7 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.5.7 2007~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 8 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.6 2008~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 9 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.7 2008~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# 10 ggplot2 Pack~ An i~ 0.8 2008~ Hadle~ Hadley Wi~ "An implem~ GPL
# ... with 30 more rows, and 19 more variables: SaveImage <chr>, LazyData <chr>,
# Packaged <chr>, crandb_file_date <chr>, date <chr>, dependencies <list>,
# URL <chr>, LazyLoad <chr>, Extends <chr>, Collate <chr>, Repository <chr>,
# `Date/Publication` <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>, VignetteBuilder <chr>,
# BugReports <chr>, `Authors@R` <chr>, RoxygenNote <chr>, Encoding <chr>,
# MD5sum <chr>
### 4.6 cran_top_downloaded
# Top downloaded packages
# A tibble: 100 x 2
# package count
# <chr> <chr>
# 1 rlang 437922
# 2 vctrs 378513
# 3 dplyr 370243
# 4 tibble 321775
# 5 jsonlite 319259
# 6 Rcpp 291812
# 7 ggplot2 287558
# 8 glue 272290
# 9 lifecycle 258241
# 10 tidyselect 242689
# ... with 90 more rows
### 4.7 cran_trending
# Trending R packages
# Trending packages are the ones that were downloaded at least 1000 times during last week, and that substantially increased their download counts, compared to the average weekly downloads in the previous 24 weeks. The percentage of increase is also shown in the output.
# A tibble: 100 x 2
# package score
# <chr> <chr>
# 1 roxytest 4842.4278137890394800
# 2 Q7 4699.3788819875776400
# 3 outliers 3711.7480823576907500
# 4 leafpm 1124.8568950563746700
# 5 js 1123.7399561723886000
# 6 mapedit 1020.5578351425751800
# 7 ic.infer 784.6556233653007800
# 8 broom.helpers 777.4193548387096800
# 9 WeibullR 583.1775700934579400
# 10 ggiraph 540.3082143362081200
# ... with 90 more rows
### 4.8 more
# - "visualization" ----------------------------- 1289 packages in 0.011 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 ggplot2 3.3.3 Thomas Lin Pedersen 27d Create Elegant Data Visua...
# 2 65 igraph 1.2.6 G谩bor Cs谩rdi 4M Network Analysis and Visu...
# 3 57 scales 1.1.1 Hadley Wickham 9M Scale Functions for Visua...
# 4 41 rgl 0.104.16 Duncan Murdoch 16d 3D Visualization Using Op...
# 5 22 vdiffr 0.3.3 Lionel Henry 4M Visual Regression Testing...
# 6 20 ROCR 1.0.11 Felix G.M. Ernst 9M Visualizing the Performan...
# 7 19 corrplot 0.84 Taiyun Wei 3y Visualization of a Correl...
# 8 19 DiagrammeR Richard Iannone 9M Graph/Network Visualization
# 9 17 ggmap 3.0.0 ORPHANED 2y Spatial Visualization wit...
# 10 17 visNetwork 2.0.9 Benoit Thieurmel 1y Network Visualization usi...
# - "visualization" ----------------------------- 1289 packages in 0.011 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 ggplot2 3.3.3 Thomas Lin Pedersen 27d Create Elegant Data Visua...
# 2 65 igraph 1.2.6 G谩bor Cs谩rdi 4M Network Analysis and Visu...
# 3 57 scales 1.1.1 Hadley Wickham 9M Scale Functions for Visua...
# 4 41 rgl 0.104.16 Duncan Murdoch 16d 3D Visualization Using Op...
# 5 22 vdiffr 0.3.3 Lionel Henry 4M Visual Regression Testing...
# 6 20 ROCR 1.0.11 Felix G.M. Ernst 9M Visualizing the Performan...
# 7 19 corrplot 0.84 Taiyun Wei 3y Visualization of a Correl...
# 8 19 DiagrammeR Richard Iannone 9M Graph/Network Visualization
# 9 17 ggmap 3.0.0 ORPHANED 2y Spatial Visualization wit...
# 10 17 visNetwork 2.0.9 Benoit Thieurmel 1y Network Visualization usi...
# - "visualization" ----------------------------- 1289 packages in 0.009 seconds -
# package version by @ title
# 11 16 vcd 1.4.8 David Meyer 4M Visualizing Categor...
# 12 16 circlize 0.4.12 Zuguang Gu 18d Circular Visualization
# 13 13 rasterVis 0.49 Oscar Perpinan Lamigueiro 3M Visualization Metho...
# 14 12 klaR 0.6.15 Uwe Ligges 1y Classification and ...
# 15 10 qgraph 1.6.5 Sacha Epskamp 1y Graph Plotting Meth...
# 16 9 multcompView 0.1.8 Luciano Selzer 1y Visualizations of P...
# 17 9 lattice 0.20.41 Deepayan Sarkar 10M Trellis Graphics for R
# 18 8 factoextra 1.0.7 Alboukadel Kassambara 10M Extract and Visuali...
# 19 8 treemap 2.4.2 Martijn Tennekes 4y Treemap Visualization
# 20 8 r2d3 0.2.5 Nick Strayer 1M Interface to 'D3' V...
### 4.9 pkg_search
# Search CRAN packages
# - "survival" ----------------------------------- 918 packages in 0.007 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 survival 3.2.7 Terry M Therneau 4M Survival Analysis
# 2 8 flexsurv 1.1.1 Christopher Jackson 2y Flexible Parametric...
# 3 8 survminer 0.4.8 Alboukadel Kassambara 6M Drawing Survival Cu...
# 4 6 rpart 4.1.15 Beth Atkinson 2y Recursive Partition...
# 5 6 randomForestSRC 2.9.3 Udaya B. Kogalur 1y Fast Unified Random...
# 6 6 timereg 1.9.8 Thomas Scheike 4M Flexible Regression...
# 7 6 rstpm2 1.5.1 Mark Clements 1y Smooth Survival Mod...
# 8 5 relsurv 2.2.3 Maja Pohar Perme 2y Relative Survival
# 9 5 survRM2 1.0.3 Hajime Uno 8M Comparing Restricte...
# 10 5 muhaz David Winsemius 2y Hazard Function Est...
# - "networks" ----------------------------------- 744 packages in 0.008 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 1 100 igraph 1.2.6 G谩bor Cs谩rdi 4M Network Analysis and Visu...
# 2 48 network 1.16.1 Carter T. Butts 4M Classes for Relational Data
# 3 43 RCurl CRAN Team 9M General Network (HTTP/FTP...
# 4 41 nnet 7.3.15 Brian Ripley 2d Feed-Forward Neural Netwo...
# 5 29 DiagrammeR Richard Iannone 9M Graph/Network Visualization
# 6 26 visNetwork 2.0.9 Benoit Thieurmel 1y Network Visualization usi...
# 7 26 sna 2.6 Carter T. Butts 4M Tools for Social Network ...
# 8 22 snow 0.4.3 Luke Tierney 2y Simple Network of Worksta...
# 9 21 ggraph 2.0.4 Thomas Lin Pedersen 2M An Implementation of Gram...
# 10 18 neuralnet 1.44.2 Marvin N. Wright 2y Training of Neural Networks
# - "networks" ----------------------------------- 744 packages in 0.011 seconds -
# # package version by @ title
# 11 16 bnlearn 4.6.1 Marco Scutari 4M Bayesian Network Struct...
# 12 15 ergm 3.11.0 Pavel N. Krivitsky 3M Fit, Simulate and Diagn...
# 13 15 networkD3 0.4 Christopher Gandrud 4y D3 JavaScript Network G...
# 14 12 WGCNA 1.69 Peter Langfelder 11M Weighted Correlation Ne...
# 15 12 diagram 1.6.5 Karline Soetaert 4M Functions for Visualisi...
# 16 12 RSNNS 0.4.12 Christoph Bergmeir 1y Neural Networks using t...
# 17 12 networkDynamic 0.10.1 Skye Bender-deMoll 1y Dynamic Extensions for ...
# 18 11 intergraph 2.0.2 Michal Bojanowski 6y Coercion Routines for N...
# 19 10 ggnetwork 0.5.8 Fran莽ois Briatte 1y Geometries to Plot Netw...
# 20 9 gRain 1.3.6 S酶ren H酶jsgaard 6M Graphical Independence ...
### 5.0 pkg_search_addin,这是这个R包中最让我喜欢的函数工具了,很棒!
# install.packages("shinyWidgets")
# install.packages("whoami")



# RStudio addin to search CRAN packages
#@ Call this function from RStudio for best results. You can also use it without RStudio, then it will run in the web browser.
# Loading required package: shiny
# Listening on
## 5.测试收尾
# R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
# Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
# Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)
# Matrix products: default
# locale:
# [1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
# [2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
# [3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
# [5] LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936
# attached base packages:
# [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
# other attached packages:
# [1] shiny_1.5.0 pkgsearch_3.0.3
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
# [1] zip_2.1.1 Rcpp_1.0.6 pillar_1.4.7 compiler_3.6.3
# [5] later_1.1.0.1 shinyWidgets_0.5.6 shinyjs_2.0.0 prettyunits_1.1.1
# [9] tools_3.6.3 digest_0.6.27 jsonlite_1.7.2 memoise_1.1.0
# [13] lifecycle_0.2.0 tibble_3.0.5 pkgconfig_2.0.3 rlang_0.4.10
# [17] openxlsx_4.2.3 whoami_1.3.0 cli_2.2.0 rstudioapi_0.13
# [21] curl_4.3 yaml_2.2.1 fastmap_1.0.1 httr_1.4.2
# [25] vctrs_0.3.6 glue_1.4.2 parsedate_1.2.0 R6_2.5.0
# [29] fansi_0.4.2 magrittr_2.0.1 rematch2_2.1.2 promises_1.1.1
# [33] ellipsis_0.3.1 htmltools_0.5.1.1 assertthat_0.2.1 mime_0.9
# [37] xtable_1.8-4 httpuv_1.5.5 utf8_1.1.4 stringi_1.5.3
# [41] crayon_1.3.4