"When I saw those long-haired heads spitting out saliva and words, my old hatred for the age of immaturity flooded back and it seemed to me that I could see nothing but actors, their faces covered by masks were fiercely devoted to the inhumanity and coarseness of the masks." -- The Joke, Milan Kundera
第一次看见The Joke,是在13年冬天去往维也纳的火车上。当时Q, Sonia, K和我三个人挤在冰冷的铁皮车厢里,火车里稀少得吝啬的暖气被室外的冷空气吞噬,我们把穿了十几天没洗的羽绒大衣盖在身上,挨着对方取暖。当时已经过了午夜12点,火车里没什么灯光,远远的只能看到车窗外雪白的草原上或许从一家木屋里发出的微弱灯光,就像一颗宁静的星星,用温柔又冷酷的目光观察着我们车厢里发生的一切。我记得K当时在讲故事,讲他那次与两个男人疯狂又危险的艳遇,故事荒谬的让我和S目瞪口呆,我张了张嘴,发出一声只有自己听得到的干笑。 当时Q坐在我的对面,我偷偷的瞄了她一眼,她的嘴角微微的翘着,是那种你辨别不出意味的笑。当时她的手上正拿着The Joke, 书皮上印着粉红色的字体,与一个叼着香烟的粉红色唇印。看到后我马上低下头,迅速的把书名记在Iphone的note里,然后若无其事的回到我们还在进行的对话中。
The Joke发生的地点与年代似乎都离我太遥远,书的前半部分我甚至有点儿不解这个由一个joke引发的小说,以及那么多条出现的比较偶然的故事线。知道读到小说的最后一章,我才突然意识到,我们每个人的命运都是那么相似;即使我不在70年代的捷克,即使我不如ludvik这么厌世,但命运就像一条线,从早远古时期横穿到今天,把每个时代里都自以为是独一无二的我们联系起来,而这条线的终点通往哪里,我并不知道。
"The more melancholy we felt, the more we turned in towards one another, playing for ourselves rather than for the audience, forgiving the audience, so that we managed to create through the music a protective enclosure in the midst of the rowdy drunks, like a glass cabin suspended in the cold depths of the sea." "I felt happy inside these songs (inside the glass cabin of these songs )where sorrow is not lightness, laughter is not grimace, love is not laughable, and hatred is not timid, where people love with body and soul, where they dance in joy, jump into the Danube in despair, where love is still love and pain is pain, where values are not yet devastated"
所以即使是Kundera,最后依旧没有找到一个解答。我想象到他在皱紧眉头后,接着拿起笔,洋洋洒洒地开始写起了The Joke。