
作者: 风亦可 | 来源:发表于2018-12-31 13:53 被阅读0次

I’m Sorry I Love You VII (080)

A: Thank god you showed up when you did! He’s insane! Do you think we should call the police?

B: Don’t worry about it, I’ll call my friend and have him take care of it. I can’t believe he was stalking you all these years. What a nut job!

A: I know! Well... he said I’m not pregnant. I’m sorry if I got you all worked up over nothing. I want you to know that I didn’t do it on purpose...

B: Don’t apologize! From the moment I met you, not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought of you. And now that I’m with you again, I’m just... I’m just scared, Veronica. The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. The thought of not being with you, I mean, I just can’t handle it! We were made for each other, Veronica. You are my everything, my soul mate. What…What can I do?

A: Just hold me... I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. And together, we can tackle whatever life throws at us. I believe in us, Steven.

B: I’m so happy to hear that! I know we belong together. I love you so much.


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