1. Email Titles
Response Required
Signed contract needed by Tuesday EOB
Action Required
Friday approval needed
2. 当收件人为多位时,邮件的称呼可以用:
Hi/Dear Jon, Richard, Chris
Hi/Dear Jon & Richard & Chris
Hi/Dear Jon and Richard,
Hi/Dear Jon, Richard, Chris and Jon,
Hi/Dear All
3. 询问性质的邮件开头,请注意动词的使用:
Can I check if the Mar-23 invoice of $100k has been paid?
Could you please advise us what is the appropriate cost code?
Could you please confirm that the following invoice was paid on 30/03/23?
4. 如何开头-我发现有的时候给公司从未谋面的同事写邮件是一件比较困难的事。你既要把你的要求说清楚,又的说的得体。可以尝试一下几个句式:
We have been requested by the auditors that…
I’m reaching out to you to provide some advice on half year budget on…
5. 如果你不确定你联系的同事是否能提高你需要的信息,可以在邮件里说:
Hoping you might be able to help me or maybe point me in the direction of someone who can?
Your advice would be much appreciated. If you cannot assist, please would you direct me to the right person.
6. 单词 Disregard – 这个单词可以在两个情况下使用:
6.1- 有上封邮件有些失误,请对方忽略。
Apologize please disregard the last email I sent.
6.2- 你在邮件里的要求,对方已经完成:
If you have already submitted your timesheets for last week, please disregard this email.
7. 单词 The 的使用- 在一下句子中,不能省略单词 The。
I have updated the attached file.
Could you please approve the attached invoice?
8. 注意一些介词的使用:
I have uploaded the file to the shared folder.
In regard to/In relation to your concern about the due date,
Items listed against you
9. 一些常见的缩写。工作邮件一般不鼓励用缩写,但有一些已经是很普遍的,所以在邮件中用到,尤其是同公司的同事之间是很正常不过的。
COB (Close of Business)
CC (Carbon Copy)
EOD (End of Day)
10. 邮件的结束语。作为一种邮件习俗,在邮件的末尾,一定得加上一句类似于‘祝福的话’。这句话因人而异,从Best regards 到Thanks都行。值得注意的是,在这句话之后要加一个“逗号”。
Best Regards,
Many Thanks,