Support the Big Idea---商业即兴53

Support the Big Idea---商业即兴53

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2020-05-11 08:45 被阅读0次

Support the Big Idea支持大创意

A couple of times now I’ve mentioned Del Close’s wisdom that “the worst idea with great support will go much further than the best idea with no support.” I’ll point out here that Del was not giving a shoutout to terrible ideas. Quite the opposite. He protected the art of improv and the quality of performance in his classroom as fiercely as a lion protects his pride. Rather his words were a strong reminder that the great idea needs the full support of the team. 

现在我已经提到过两次,德尔·克洛斯(Del Close)的智慧是:“在没有支持的情况下,最糟糕的想法会比在没有支持的情况下最好的想法走得更远。”在这里我要指出的是,Del并未大声疾呼可怕的想法。恰恰相反。他像狮子一样保护自己的自尊心,在自己的教室里保护即兴艺术和表演质量。相反,他的话强烈提醒着这个好主意需要团队的全力支持。

That support is created when every member feels their participation is valuable and valued, and that the ideas they generate are valuable and valued. If someone comes up with that great idea and gets no support, nothing is going to happen and the whole point of idea sharing has been defeated. You need a team to support the great idea, with the understanding that “greatness” is not always evident right from square one.By creating a team environment in which there are initially no bad ideas and everyone has to participate, intrinsic motivation to recognize and support greatness emerges from each individual.


It is in this environment where we should once again take advantage of the opportunity to embrace diversity. Though race, gender,religion, ethnicity, and age are all ways to measure diversity, what we are talking about here is a celebration of diverse perspectives. These perspectives are informed and influenced by unique circumstances:education, background, family, habits and rituals, and general life experiences. In creating a culture of acceptance through divergent thinking, we have a true opportunity to dive into the nuances that make each of us unique and to peak inside the heads of each person in our team.


Repeat as Necessary根据需要重复

Brainstorming can and should be part of the infrastructure of a company—its “idea factory.” Along those lines I recommend that improvisational, creative, idea-sharing sessions be made a regular part of the business week, perhaps something that happens every Monday morning for (only) 15 or 30 minutes. Look for opportunities to practice,practice, practice. If decisions need to be made about how to present something to a client, how to reorganize a department, or even how to plan a company party, collaborate and brainstorm when appropriate opportunity arises.


 The more the process is practiced, the stronger the team gets at it and the easier it is to get to great ideas. The process is incredibly difficult to develop during a crisis, when it is needed most;a business’s ideation team should not be instantly stressed out every time a session is called because they know something has gone terribly wrong. Keep your elite Special Forces Ideation Team trained and in shape!


It’s understandable that people who are not used to an improvisational approach to ideation are at first going to feel constrained by it.When I’m confronted by status quo bias (“We can’t do that because it’s not the way we’re used to doing that”), I like to evoke the challenge of learning to ride a bicycle. The first time any of us got on a Schwinn minus the training wheels, the challenge of staying upright,moving forward, and steering around obstacles was completely awkward and daunting. 


It’s highly likely that a maiden ride ended with a fall, a skinned knee, or a collision with a tree. However, it’s almost universally true that this challenge was not anxiety filled at all the 50th or 500th time you mounted the bike. Experience, managed expectation,and muscle memory made riding a bike a pleasure rather than a challenge. (For those who grew up without getting on a Schwinn, think of the act of typing: was your very first time at a computer keyboard different from your 500th time?)


The “conscious competence” learning model in psychology was  originally developed at Gordon Training International in the 1970s and is a good way to frame the learning stages to get to muscle memory.13 Originally chronicled as “Four Stages for Learning Any New Skill,” the development paradigm shows the arc of mastering a new skill (muscle memory) through four psychological conditions in the course of growing from totally incompetent to completely competent in a skill, like riding a bike, learning new software, or using improv techniques. In a nutshell:

心理学的“有意识能力”学习模型最初是在1970年代由戈登培训国际(Gordon Training International)开发的,是一种构架学习阶段以获取肌肉记忆的好方法。13最初被称为“学习任何新技能的四个阶段”。发展范例显示了在从完全无能力的技能发展为完全熟练的技能(例如骑自行车,学习新软件或使用即兴技巧)的过程中,通过四种心理条件来掌握新技能(肌肉记忆)的过程。简而言之:

1. Unconscious incompetence. You do not know what you do not know. You are blissfully ignorant.

2. Conscious incompetence. You know that you do not know how to do something; however, you choose not to learn. You are intentionally ignorant.

3. Conscious competence. You know how to do something. You are no longer ignorant; however, it takes concentration and a concerted effort to accomplish the task.

4. Unconscious competence. You have mastered the task and you can execute it flawlessly, without thinking about it.





Practice makes collaboration something important. If a business  wants a team to be working at the highest possible level, the process deserves time and attention. If you make the decision not to practice this process, you are assuming that whatever you come up with when you need to brainstorm will automatically be the best idea you can  come up with. In other words you are saying that you can stick your hand in the mud anywhere along the brainstorming river and pull out a gold ring. 


Given a choice, I’d rather work with an expert, find a precise location on the river, take a large pan, and pull up as much as I can from the river, and thereby increase the probability of finding gold. Practicing “Yes, and” and divergent thinking is about increasing the probability for success when you need it most. 


Sometimes you need a little encouragement to take a first step, a first bike ride, or a first dip into the river. So I would encourage you to begin practicing improvisational ideation by using this pair of simple guidelines for two initial brainstorming meetings:


Meeting 1. Review the concepts above, then assemble your team. Be  honest about what you’re doing (“We are going to try a new way of coming up with and sharing ideas”). Lay down the laws of the room as necessary; be clear about your expectations for the meeting and for each and every participant. Assign somebody the role of scribe, whose job it is to record all ideas, postponing judgment about what he might think is a “real” idea or just a goofball joke.Everything gets captured. If the meeting room doesn’t feel conducive to a new way of thinking, move the damn chairs around. Set the proper energy level; use a warm-up when necessary.


State your real and specific challenge to the group (“We need to shift to a customer-focused sales strategy”).Diverge (15–30 min.). How many odd, inventive, wild, improbable, even crackpot ideas can your team come up with to address this challenge under brief time constraints? Everything is game and must be captured by the scribe even if it does not directly address the challenge you’ve presented. Lead by example by occasionally saying the craziest ideas that would never work (there’s that elephant parade again). 


With that in mind maintain a balance between getting wild and staying on task. Coming up with ideas that are not directly relevant does not mean going on a tangent and losing your way for 15 minutes. Loosely guide the team rather than forcefully confine them. Each idea is stated and captured, and then you move on to the next idea without exploration, explanation, examination, or even consideration.


Converge (15–30 min.). Prioritize, organizing like ideas into tiers if necessary. Discuss and deconstruct the ideas at the top of each tier, and prioritize those. Talk about the plusses and minuses of ideas. When a number one idea (or at least a top tier of ideas) is agreed on, the meeting is over.


Meeting 2. Assemble your team and repeat the brainstorming setup initiated in Meeting 1. Keep your team focused on the end goal by restating your mission to the group (“We need to shift to a customer-focused sales strategy”).


Diverge (15–30 min.). Using your previously established number one idea (or one from your top tier of ideas) as a starting point, direct team members to freely explore ways this idea might be strategically executed. Use simple, critical questions (who? what? where? when? how? why?) as a way to flesh out every important detail of the idea. Diverge on specific parts of the number one idea to help figure out possible best action plans for success. Think big, fail early, and fail often—and reach for the stars here! Budgets, timelines, and other constraints can be postponed to get the greatest number of ideas.


Converge (15–30 min.). Put on the serious thinking caps. Now all ideas must be judged against real-world constraints (budgets,timelines, personnel, etc.). Critique, edit, discuss, debate, and finetune, quickly reentering the divergent phase when ideas need to be fleshed out more fully, until the team has settled on an action plan for executing the number one idea.


I hope this approach to brainstorming sounds easy, because it is. However, I’ve been a human being long enough to understand that simply asking a group of people to be better, more supportive communicators in no way guarantees better, more supportive communication. In the brainstorming process one of the common obstacles to creativity occurs in the convergent thinking phase. 


People will generally embrace the idea of being divergent—of being free to speak and supporting everyone else’s freedom to speak. When it comes to getting convergent though, the same people can get nasty: you’ve been sitting there for 20 minutes working hard to be accepting of wild ideas;now’s your chance to shoot them down with extreme prejudice. In the convergent phase you want the strongest idea rather than the strongest personality to dominate.


Here are some additional tips for fostering successful convergent thinking while being respectful and protecting each and every member of your team. If you are trying to lead a group discussion of each idea that was raised in the divergent phase, you may be up against faulty memories and a blurring or forgetting of details. Instead of talking through the ideas, write each of them down in simple form—a  one, two, or three-word bullet—and post them on the walls (sketches are welcome!). 


Then have the group vote for them anonymously (Postit notes, stars, a ballot box, Hello Kitty stickers, etc.). If this project is large and affects the entire company or a larger group than just the team brainstorming, send out the big, messy list of ideas (or at least the top two tiers) to the larger group via e-mail, and ask the masses to vote for the ideas through a free polling software (such as Survey Monkey). This will allow the larger, more objective group to vote anonymously, thereby promoting honesty and at the same time increasing company ownership of the change, direction, decision, or ideas. Here are the voting rules:

然后让小组匿名投票给他们(便笺,星星,投票箱,Hello Kitty贴纸等)。如果这个项目很大,并且不仅影响团队,更会影响整个公司或更大的团队,则通过电子邮件将庞大,凌乱的想法列表(或至少是前两层)发送给更大的团队,并询问大众通过免费的投票软件(例如Survey Monkey)投票给这些想法。这将允许更大,更客观的团体匿名投票,从而促进诚实,同时增加公司对变更,方向,决定或想法的所有权。以下是投票规则:

1. Only vote for the ideas you like; there is little need to discuss anything you do not like. This keeps the focus on the positive rather than the negative.

2. Mob rules: the group mind makes the decision. You are not trying to create meshing cogs in a groupthink machine. Rather you  want to facilitate the ability of intelligent people to exercise their individual right to make choices in a group setting (especially when anonymous). Whatever the results, they will be shared and mutually supported.



As I’ve said often enough by now, improvisation is a tool and not  every tool is right for every job. Undoubtedly there are times in every business when “good enough” truly is good enough. There are times when it is simply not necessary to reinvent the (bicycle) wheel or brainstorm through a simple idea; or when there just isn’t time and “No” is the only right answer (Get those elephants out of here!). 


As always, it’s up to every business and every leader to decide when this particular approach will be useful and effective.The trick to making use of improvisational ideation is often a matter of mental framing: think about where this approach to brainstorming might really work as opposed to all the situations in which it definitely won’t. You will find that you’ll be able to apply it much more often than you thought. If you can’t utilize improvisational brainstorming for every decision the company needs to make, then don’t.


Use it when it will be of value. Just remember that “good enough” isn’t much of a business plan. If you’re truly interested in getting to great ideas, then don’t be afraid of panning through the muck to get to the gold.


And don’t forget: gold needs to be invested, not simply hoarded.With that in mind, let’s explore how poor team dynamics can lead to wealth being siloed rather than shared, and how that siloing can be avoided in a more open, improvisational corporate culture.




      本文标题:Support the Big Idea---商业即兴53
