看新闻学英语–– grill

看新闻学英语–– grill

作者: 静之随笔 | 来源:发表于2020-08-08 01:12 被阅读0次

新闻内容来着听写当天一条BBC one-minute world news headline。再加一条新西兰当地媒体的,刷下这个常被人们遗忘的国家的存在感。我会日更,每天几分钟,开始我们的积累吧。

1. Tech gaints face Congress

The bosses of Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Google are being grilled by the US Congress. They claimed that they lack of competition. The following a year of inspection in the maedomain market.

grill v. 盘问,审问,责问

Congress n.国会

2. Dairy robber's 'excellent selfie' leads to arrest

A robber who caught by police after leaving behind an "excellent selfie" on a security camera has been sentenced home detention.

robber n. 强盗,盗贼,抢劫犯

home detention n. 居家监禁


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      本文标题:看新闻学英语–– grill
