
- 醒醒! - 什么?- Wake up! - What?
你是菲奥纳公主吗?Are you Princess Fiona?
是 我在等待一个勇敢的骑士来救我I am, awaiting aknight so bold as to rescue me.
很好 我们走吧!Oh, that's nice. Now let's go!
等等 骑士先生But wait, Sir Knight.
这是我们第一次见面This being our first meeting.
这不该是一个非常浪漫的时刻吗?Should it not be awonderful, romantic moment?
- 是 对不起女士没时间 - 你在干什么?-Yeah, sorry, lady. There's no time.
- Hey, wait. What are you doing?
你应该抱起我You should sweep me off myfeet...
冲出远处的窗户 落在你勇敢的马上out yonder window anddown a rope onto your valiant steed.
你有很多时间计划这些 是不是?You've had a lot of time to plan this, haven't you?
但我们得品尝这个时刻!But we have to savour thismoment!
你该给我背段壮丽的诗You could recite an epicpoem for me.
叙事史诗? 14行诗!Aballad? A sonnet!
- 5行打油诗? 或是别的! - 我并不这样认为- Alimerick? Or something!
- I don't think so.
至少我该知道英雄的名字吧?Can I at least know thename of my champion?
我叫史瑞克Um, Shrek.
史瑞克先生Sir Shrek.
我祈求你把这个手帕当作我感谢的象征I pray that you takethis favour as a token of my gratitude.
你没有杀死龙?You didn't slay the dragon?
- 这在我们的计划内 - 来!-It'son my to do list. - Now come on!
但不该这样!But this isn't right!
你应该像其他骑士一样 在他们被烧死前 冲锋陷阵 挥剑拔刀
You were meant to charge in, sword drawn,banner flying.
所有的骑士都应该这样That's what all the otherknights did.
在他们被烧成焦炭之前对吧?Yeah, right before they burst into flame.
这不是问题所在That's not the point. Oh!
你去哪里? 出口在那边儿Wait.Where are you going? The exit's over there.
我要救我的驴子Well, I have to save my ass.
你是什么骑士?What kind of knight are you?
独一无二的骑士One of a kind.