Matilda读书笔记 Chapter5

Matilda读书笔记 Chapter5

作者: 吉米妈妈 | 来源:发表于2018-01-04 11:50 被阅读0次


arithmetic:/əˈrɪθmətɪk,əˋrɪθmə͵tɪk/ 算术

honourable:1.an honourable action or activity deserves respect and admiration;2.behaving in a way that is morally correct and shows you have high moral standards

beastly:very unpleasant

sheer: /ʃɪə,ʃɪr/ used to emphasize that something is very heavy, large etc

asinine:/ˈæsɪnaɪn, ˈæsənaɪn,ˋæsṇ͵aɪn/ extremely stupid or silly

valve: /vælv,vælv/ n. [C ] 阀门

devise:to plan or invent a new way of doing something

cockyinformal too confident about yourself and your abilities, especially in a way that annoys other people

alas: /əˈlæs,əˋlæs/ adv. [sentence adverb 句子副词] formal  used when mentioning a fact that you wish was not true

flare-up:1.a situation in which someone suddenly becomes angry or violent;2.a situation in which someone suddenly has problems because of a disease or illness after not having any problems for a long time

appalling:adj. / əˈpɔːlɪŋ  ; əˋpɔlɪŋ  /very unpleasant and shocking

onlooker:someone who watches something happening without being involved in it

bookmaker又作 bookie. n.1.a maker of books; someone who edits or publishes or binds books 2.a gambler who accepts and pays off bets (especially on horse races)

addressformal to speak to someone directly

splash:[singular,单数] a small amount of liquid  [+ of] a splash of paint

fish:[I always + adv/prep] informal to search for something in a bag, pocket etc [+ about/around] She fished around in her purse and pulled out a photo.; [+ for] Chris fished in his pocket for a coin.

nifty:adj. / 'nɪfti  ; ˋnɪftɪ  / informal something that is nifty is good because it is clever, skilful, or effective 精巧的;有技巧的;有效的 【非正式】

round figure:整数

wreckinformal an old car that is in a very bad condition

crouch:蹲下;俯身接近[+ over] a young girl crouched over a book

hot stuff:【口语】了不起的人(或物) be hot stuff at sth

goggleold-fashioned to look at something with your eyes wide open in surprise or shock

butt in:If you say that someone is butting in, you are criticizing the fact that they are joining in a conversation or activity without being asked to.

stiffen:[I] if you stiffen, your body suddenly becomes firm, straight, or still because you feel angry or anxious

TV dinner:a meal that is sold already prepared, so that you just need to heat it before eating


run rings around:大大超过…,大大胜过(某人)

go round the bend:发疯

dish out:1. If you dish out something, you distribute it among a number of people. 2.If someone dishes out criticism or punishment, they give it to someone.

at any rate:至少,不管怎么说

cool down:If someone cools down or if you cool them down, they become less angry than they were.

almost blinded the onlooker:闪瞎观众的狗眼

a tidy sum/profitinformal a large amount of money

fall over oneself:特别卖力(做某事);拼命赶,拼命向前

read off:流利地读出,很快地读出;读完;宣读:He read off the names on the list in the headmaster's presence.


The parrot-in-the-chimney affair cooled down Matilda's parents for a while. But it did not last very long. Another flare-up came in this chapter. The cocky Mr Wormwood came back home one day, and boasted his tricks on his business. He fished a bit of paper from his pocket, read aloud the costs and revenues of the five cars he sold on that day, and asked his silly son to calculate the profits he made. The clumsy brother hardly followed his father while Matilda made out the answer easily, which infuriated Mr Wormwood. Mr Wormwood could not believe Matilda was hot stuff at arithmetic, and called Matilda a cheat and a liar.



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