英文日记 (一)2017.3.22

英文日记 (一)2017.3.22

作者: Amanda08 | 来源:发表于2017-03-22 18:54 被阅读0次

I have read a book whose name was Matilda .I like it, the girl inside it was a very good student. She can read a very hard book when she was five ,and she can do math very well .I like her teacher also, but I do not like her teacher’s aunt. She was very angry when Matilda has pushed her glass of water on the teacher’s table ,and she was very cross when Matilda put a monster in her glass of water. But as you know ,it was not her that put a monster in her glass of water. And I think that Matilda’s teacher ,Miss Honey was a very great student to. At last ,Miss Honey have a house of herself. Matilda’s mother and father is not very nice to her. But, I like Matilda more.


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    本文标题:英文日记 (一)2017.3.22
