Like OC, we can make instance methods and type methods(like class methods in OC).
And the structure resembles Function.
Instance Methods
class Counter {
var count = 0
func increment() {
count += 1
func increment(by amount: Int) {
count += amount
func reset() {
count = 0
Modifying Value Types from Within Instance Methods
We use mutating
keyword to prefix function name to make it can modify property in value types, just like Structures
and Enmuerations
, because the properties of a value type can’t be modified from within its instance methods..
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
mutating func moveBy(x deltaX: Double, y deltaY: Double) {
x += deltaX
y += deltaY
var somePoint = Point(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)
somePoint.moveBy(x: 2.0, y: 3.0)
print("The point is now at (\(somePoint.x), \(somePoint.y))")
// Prints "The point is now at (3.0, 4.0)"
Assigning to self Within a Mutating Method
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
mutating func moveBy(x deltaX: Double, y deltaY: Double) {
self = Point(x: x + deltaX, y: y + deltaY)
Type Methods
We use static
prefix function name to make it type method, alternatively we alse use class
for method in Class.
class SomeClass {
class func someTypeMethod() {
// type method implementation goes here
struct LevelTracker {
static var highestUnlockedLevel = 1
var currentLevel = 1
static func unlock(_ level: Int) {
if level > highestUnlockedLevel { highestUnlockedLevel = level }
static func isUnlocked(_ level: Int) -> Bool {
return level <= highestUnlockedLevel
mutating func advance(to level: Int) -> Bool {
if LevelTracker.isUnlocked(level) {
currentLevel = level
return true
} else {
return false
Let’s think!