Collection Types

作者: 宋奕Ekis | 来源:发表于2021-07-27 10:26 被阅读0次

    Collection Types


    Creating an Array by Adding Two Arrays Together

    We can create a new Array with two Arrays in same types by the operator (+)

    var threeDoubles = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: 3)
    // threeDoubles is of type [Double], and equals [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    var anotherThreeDoubles = Array(repeating: 2.5, count: 3)
    // anotherThreeDoubles is of type [Double], and equals [2.5, 2.5, 2.5]
    var sixDoubles = threeDoubles + anotherThreeDoubles
    // sixDoubles is inferred as [Double], and equals [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5]

    Accessing and Modifying an Array

    We can use subcrip syntax to get or change a series values, amazing for this.

    var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
    // shoppingList has been initialized with two initial items
    shoppingList[2...4] = ["Bananas", "Apples"]
    // shoppingList now contains 4 items

    Iterating Over an Array

    If we want get the item and item index both, we can use enumerated()method, which will return a tuple including the item and item index.

    for (index, value) in shoppingList.enumerated() {
        print("Item \(index + 1): \(value)")


    no order, but an item only appears once, which is the difference from Array.

    Hash Values for Set Types

    The Sets only be able to store hashable types, which means, if we want to store some we own type, we need to make the type hashable, where we can use the Hashable Protocol to implement.

    As for the String, Int, Double, Bool or something else for Swift’s basic types, which are all hashable by default.

    Creating and Initializing

    Unlike arrays, sets don’t have an equivalent shorthand form.

    var letters = Set<Character>()
    print("letters is of type Set<Character> with \(letters.count) items.")
    // Prints "letters is of type Set<Character> with 0 items."
    var favoriteGenres: Set<String> = ["Rock", "Classical", "Hip hop"]
    // favoriteGenres has been initialized with three initial items
    var favoriteGenres2: Set = ["Rock", "Classical", "Hip hop"]
    //all values in the array literal are of the same type, Swift can infer that Set<String> is the correct type to use for the favoriteGenres variable.So no need to write the type

    Iterating Over a Set

    The Set type doesn’t have a defined ordering, but we can use the sorted method to make it order, this method will return the set’s elements as an array sorted by ascending.

    var genre: Set = ["Jazz", "Classical", "Hip hop"]
    for genre in favoriteGenres.sorted() {
    // Classical
    // Hip hop
    // Jazz

    Fundamental Set Operations

    We can see the illustrations below, which show the method of fundamental set operations.


    Set Membership and Equality

    let houseAnimals: Set = ["🐶", "🐱"]
    let farmAnimals: Set = ["🐮", "🐔", "🐑", "🐶", "🐱"]
    let cityAnimals: Set = ["🐦", "🐭"]
    let cityAnimals2: Set = ["🐦", "🐭"]
    houseAnimals.isSubset(of: farmAnimals)
    // true
    farmAnimals.isSuperset(of: houseAnimals)
    // true
    farmAnimals.isDisjoint(with: cityAnimals)
    // true
    let isEqual = (cityAnimals == cityAnimals2)
    // true


    All is familiar enought for me, will not mention it here.

    Let’s think!



        本文标题:Collection Types
