在他们身上我看到了曾经的自己,记得我每次学习一项新技能时,都是无聊的自傲过头,甩不掉心理的包袱,所以收获甚微。后面领悟到:“决不可自视过高,学习任何事物,一定要从零开始。真正的学习之道,就是在教授者的面前将自己归零,敞开心扉从头学起。” 近两年在学习茶艺的道路上,我走的挺快,就是因为我懂得了:“让心净空无一物,才能容纳任何事物。越深入学习,越感觉自己一无所知。”
You see, most people,they let their ego get in the way of success. it's very easy, you notice people say i know that, i know that, i know that,well you don't know shit.
You do not know it, how do you know when you know something?
If you don't live it,you don't know it.
So those three words are very very dangerous, and they destroy your potential,they destroy your success.
Why,because the minute you say i know that, your brain shuts down.
You're not listening anymore, and you're like,"Okay i know that, i don't need to listen any further."
You're not paying attention, so what you know it, so what that you know it.
It's not about knowing it.
I could tell you this, i am not an original thinker, let me just tell it to the whole world.
I am not an original thinker, there's nothing new about what i do.
Everything i learn from Napoleon hill, other successful entrepreneurs.
The first three dangerous words, i know that.