Another great perk is that you get to show up ten minutes later for first period. (工资之外的)补贴,津贴
perk verb:
perk up 增加;使增值
e.g. She hopes that her jewelry could perk up in the future.
I have got it made with this Safety Patrol thing. It means to be in a very good situation. 衣食无忧;成功做到某事
e.g. She has got it made because of her rich dad.
另一个类似表达:You made it!
Our plan to build the world's biggest snowman was starting to fall apart. 计划泡汤;关系变差
e.g. They used to be best friends, but somehow, they fall apart.
The whole trip ate up forty-five miuntes. 耗费,话费
e.g. Buying the sport car eats up all his savings.
eat it up 吃这一套
I've kind of slacked off ever since I became s Safety Patrol. 松懈,偷懒
slack adjective: 萧条的;懈怠的
noun: (组织中人员、资金)闲置部分
slacker 偷懒的人
When I say the world's biggest snowman, I'm not kidding.
句型:When I say something, I mean it.
e.g. When I say I'm going to get up at 6 a.m., I mean it.
We've missed our window of opportunity. 行事的良机
e.g. Proposing to her at her birthday party is your window of opportunity.
We got a little labor out of her. 从...中获得(有利的东西)
e.g. She has got a lot of of life.
I knew I was in for it. 惹麻烦;要受惩罚
e.g. You'd better finish your homework or you will be in for it,
I thought he might actually get a kick out of what happened. 让某人很高兴
e.g. He gets a kick out of working hard.
it was a hit-and-run by the Whirley Street kids. 肇事逃逸
e.g. a hit-and-run accident/death
There was only one comic slot, and up until now the kid named Bryan Little has been hogging it all to himself.
slot: (投放或插入东西的)窄缝,扁口;(名单、日程安排中的)位置,时间
slot machine 老虎机

hog:独占 e.g. hogging the bathroom
pole hogger (在公共汽车或地铁上)霸占着杆子的人
Bryan's been using his strip to handle his person business. I guess that's why they gave him the axe.
strip指comic strip,表示连环漫画,可以替换cartoon.
give someone the axe 把某人解雇
还可以说someone is axed
We banged out a bunch of characters real quick.
我们之前学过crank out
When we tried to think up some jokes, we kind of hit the wall. 碰壁
e.g. They have been working on this project for a whole week, it seems that they hit the wall.
Me and Rowley decided to team up and do a cartoon together. 和...组队
后文出现了partner up
不要重读when, while, he, she
English teacher:重音在English上,表示英语老师;重音在teacher上,表示来自英国的老师
all-out 注意连读 e.g. LOL