

作者: 芷兮要吃巧克力 | 来源:发表于2020-06-28 22:55 被阅读0次

    上一期我们通过一个 ”由起司而引发的血案” 认识了make out, rule out, leave out, work out等短语。在历届高考以及日常英文用语中,out 的动词短语远不止这些。


    今天的小短文和黑色星期五 Black Friday 有关。美国的黑五大概就相当于国内的双十二: the busiest shopping day every year。那场面,也是非常的 jaw-dropping (下巴要掉下来)。

    On every Black Friday around Thanksgiving (感恩节), retailers(零售商) across the U.S. will carry out (实行) promotional sales to kick-start (开始) the Christmas shopping season.

    Since their products are sold at incredibly low prices that day, each store is packed with(挤满) customers and their products are easily sold out (卖光) almost in the blink of an eye (眨眼之间).

    Tempers are fraying (烦躁) and fights can break out (爆发) between two customers who have their eyes on the same product, especially when it is the last one of its kind.

    After all, both of them set out (出发) on a quest (追寻) for it after they have been waiting for a whole year to get hold of (拥有) it. Their patience will be worn out (磨尽) if they have to wait for yet another year.


    正如上期所讲,out 本身是出,外面 之意,carry out 就是把东西抬出来,引申为实行,实施。 商场总是通过carry out a combination of sales projects (一系列销售活动) 来吸引顾客的眼球。

    除此之外,比较抽象的东西例如promise,resolution (决心)等也是可以carry out哒。

    商品太受欢迎,就容易sell out,也就是卖光。这时呢,那些 set out (出发) 特意购买这件商品的顾客就不得不等待下一批货物。set out 后面通常会出现 for +目的地,表示出发去哪里。

    让顾客等待太久,商家也许就会 wear out our patience (磨尽我们的耐心)。关于wear,大家最常见的意思当然是 “穿”。穿一件衣服穿久后,难免出现 “tear and wear” (磨损),所以大家也会见到 wear out your shoes 等类似搭配。

    耐心磨尽,商客大战break out (爆发) 似乎也不足为奇。但是,小编还是希望大家可以维持 calm 的心态哦。
    Three years ago, fights _____ between her and her father whenever they could not agree on something, but they are getting along better now.
    A. sold out
    B. broke out
    C. set out
    Let’s ______ for the mall at 8:00 am.
    A. sell out
    B. set out
    C. break out
    She has been wearing those sneakers (运动鞋) for 5 years. They are completely ______.
    A. broken out
    B. carried out
    C. worn out

    Electronic wastes also contain many poisonous metals, even when the machines are recycled and the harmful metals removed. The recycling process is often carried out in poor countries. (2015,江苏高考)

    Mothers complain that children wear out their shoes easily. (2013,江西高考)

    Last night, a quarrel broke out between two brothers in our neighborhood. (2014, 江苏高考)



