赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 011 My Fore

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 011 My Fore

作者: UncleBryan | 来源:发表于2018-04-13 05:17 被阅读0次

    I. Reading 阅读

    There are several foreign students in my class. John is American. He's from the United States, Laura is Spanish, She's from Spain.
    Chen and Huang are Chinese, but they are not from China. They're from Malaysia. They're overseas Chinese.
    We're from different countries, but we all get along well.


    II. Vocabulary & ldioms单词短语注解

    1. foreign ['fɔrən] a.外国的,外籍的
      例: I like to see foreign movies.

    2. classmate ['klæsmet] n.同班同学

    3. several [ˈsɛvrəl] a.几个的
      例: There are several Americans in my class.

    4. class [klæs] n.班级

    5. American [əˈmɛrɪkən] a.美国国籍的

    6. The United States (of America)
      united [jʊ'naɪtɪd] a. 联合的
      state [stet] n.美国的一州
      美国全名称为the United States of America。一般均以the United States、the States或 the U. S.称呼。

    7. Spanish ['spænɪʃ] a.西班牙籍的

    8. Spain [spen] n.西班牙

    9. Chinese [tʃaɪniːz] a. 中国籍的

    10. China [ˈtʃaɪnə] n. 中国

    11. Malaysia [mə'leʒə] n.马来西亚

    12. overseas [,ovɚ'siz] a.在海外的
      例: Amy is an overseas student.

    13. country ['kʌntri] n.国家
      例: I love my country.

    III. Grammar Points语法重点


    1. John is American.
      Laura is Spanish.
      Chen and Huang are Chinese.
      上列三句中,American、Spanish与Chinese均作形容词,分別表示“美国籍的”、“西班牙籍的”、“中国籍的”;但American与Chinese均可作可数名词,此时之前应分別置不定冠词“ an ”和“ a ”,即an American(美国人)、a Chinese(中国人),但American的复数形为九nericans,而Chinese的复数形仍Chinese。
      例: John is American.(American为形容词)
      =John is an American.(American为名词)
      They are American.(American为形容词)
      =They are Americans.(Americans为名词)
      Peter is Chinese(Chinese为形容词)
      =Peter is a Chinese. (Chinese 为名词 )
      They are Chinese.(Chinese为形容词,亦可视作复数名词)
      I see five Chinese there.(Chinese为复数名词)
      He is a Spanish. ( X )
      →He is Spanish. ( O )
      I see five Spanish there. ( X )
      →I see five Spanish people there. ( O )
      例: He is British.
      they are British.
      We are Danish.
    2. She's from Spain.
      =She is from Spain.
      They're from Malaysia.
      =They are from Malaysia.
      以上两句中的She's及They're分別等于She is及They are。人称代词作主语与be动词并用时,可采下列缩写形,这些缩写形在口语中最为常用:
      I am → I'm [aɪm] 我是
      you are → you're [jur] 你是 / 你们是
      he is → he's [hɪz] 他是
      she is → she's [ʃi:z] 她是
      it is → it's [ɪts] 它是
      we are → we're [wɪr] 我们是
      they are → they're [ðer] 他们是
      例: I am not a student.
      = I'm not a student.
      He is a good teacher.
      = He's a good teacher.
      It is a beautiful dog.
      = It 's a beautiful dog.
    3. ... But we all get along well.
      a. we all 我们大家
      此处的all [ɔl] 是形容词,译成“全部的”或“所
      例: They all like music.
      I like them all.
      例: All the boys like music.
      例: Peter, Paul and Mary all like music.
      both [boθ] 亦是形容词,用来修饰两个的人或东西,可译成“二者都”。
      例: John and Peter are good friends. They
      like music.
      All my parents can sing.( X,本句话暗示
      Both my parents can sing. ( O )
      b. get along 相处 (along [ə'lɔŋ])
      get along with + 人 与某人相处
      例: He has a bad temper. I can't get along
      with him.
      Do you and your sister get along well?

    IV. Substitution 替换

    1. Laura is Spanish.
      I'm British.
      He's Swedish.
    2. She's from Spain.
      I'm from England.
      He's from Sweden.
    3. Where's Chen from?
      Where does Chen come from?


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          本文标题:赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 011 My Fore
