

作者: 行星的白巫 | 来源:发表于2017-09-09 18:00 被阅读201次
    Master Synchronic Code Book 《共时密码指南》

    本文摘译自《Master Synchronic Code Book》



    本文仅供学习交流使用  :)



    Welcome to the synchronic matrix


    The information contained herein is beyond the cybersphere, or any technological contrivance; it is information that serves as a guide book to the positive construction of the future beyond the Internet and all machine technology.




    For this reason, it can only be disseminated in a very specific form: that of a real book that can be taken with one anywhere on the planet—especially where there is no internet or cybersphere—like to a cave in a mountain where you are doing your telepathic meditations.





    And for this reason, we ask that this book not be recreated electronically in any way, including being uploaded to the Internet. All of the original information as well as the consolidations of other teachings into the synchronic order has been due to the effort of Valum Votan (José Argüelles).




    www.lawoftime.org (美国时间法则基金会官网)

    © 2007 Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time

    下面是正式的前言 :)

    Welcome to the Master Synchronic Code Book!


    There comes a point in history where everything has been done, the amount of novelty reaches a saturation point, and the human mind becomes embedded in its own self-created clichés and cannot see out of the self-limiting blinders of the knowledge it has constructed out of its misperceptions of the world. It is precisely at such a point where a flash of genuinely new unrehearsed knowledge must penetrate the thick, dense mass of foggy consciousness.




    无法跨越自设的重重障碍 。



    “The codes of time are all aspects of a system of new knowledge. New knowledge by its nature is cathartic and transformative. Old knowledge must be displaced, abandoned or revised; otherwise, the new knowledge will not take root.





    There must be a turning in the deepest seat of consciousness for the new knowledge to become real in order to inform and nourish the most profound psychic bases of our being. This can be by turns a painful, a bewildering, or even a boring process.




    Painful because new knowledge confronts the spell of egoic attachments that the old knowledge casts upon us; bewildering because the new knowledge does not fit our preconceived notions of reality, both philosophically or socially; and boring, because sometimes it seems like it is just rote practice and we are not certain that it leads anywhere or that anything is really happening.




    The point is: once you have entered the stream of new knowledge, do not stop half way. If you don’t do it, it won’t work.” — Rinri Project Newsletter, Vol. 1, Number 6


    如果你不去实践书中的方法,那么它必定不会起任何作用。”——Rinri Project Newsletter, Vol. 1, Number 6


    All of the codes contained in the Master Synchronic Code Book can be found in the 13 Moon calendar. You can start anywhere as these are continuously repeating cycles. Once started you can understand how the cycles of 13:20 repeat; then you can further your study of the Dreamspell, a pure 13:20 cycle. The most important practices are those of natural mind meditation and submission to the Creator. Hand in hand, these practices expose and diminish the power of the ego, the root of all psychic disharmony. Natural mind meditation along with practice of the synchronic order will create a genuine culture of peace, a galactic culture free from aggression and abuse of free will.

    所有《共时密码指南》里的秘钥都可以在13月亮历法里找到。你可以在任何时候开始使用,因为它们一直处于不断循环的周期中。一旦开始这个练习,你会逐渐理解13:20频率的循环周期;然后你可以深入学习梦语历(玛雅13月亮历法)——一个纯粹的13:20自然历法周期。最重要的是学会静心冥想(即自然心智冥想)和臣服于内在的创造本源。这些练习将会暴露和消融小我, 它是造成心智混乱的根本原因。静心冥想,联合13:20共时密码的练习将会创造一个真正的和平文化,一个崭新的、没有冲突和滥用自由意志的星际文明。

    “Try doing this for half an hour, for 45 minutes, or even an hour. You have to realize that just holding this position, no matter what is occurring in your mind, you are peace. You are resisting unexamined thought impulses to do things while remaining in a position that is thoroughly non-aggressive. Imagine everyone on the planet doing this for one hour each morning before they start their day. Wouldn’t the world then be at peace?The importance of holding this position cannot be emphasized enough. It is 99 per cent of this practice of experiencing your natural mind, because it is really the only way that you are going to be able to experience your natural mind—and nothing else. In addition, if you do not know what natural mind is, you cannot really say you are in natural time.


    “It can be argued that you can experience your natural mind while driving a car, or doing beadwork, or playing golf or, certainly, gardening, for instance, which is true enough. But while you are involved in these activities, you are still preoccupied with something. You are not actually devoting your whole self to experiencing directly the nature of your original mind and self to the exclusion of all else. And that is the point of this training. To have the pure, raw experience of seeing your own mind—that and nothing else.”


    以下的自然本质静心方法转自《星际玛雅时间书 2015.7.25-2017.7.26》

    由Ana Zikic和Rafeeka合著



