7.16 周一 (Anna&David)
不许叫他傻瓜!Don't call him stupid!嘿,不许推她!Hey, don't push her!你闭嘴!You shut up!绝对不许叫他傻瓜!Don't you ever call him stupid!得啦,宝贝,你干嘛这么生气?Come on, baby, why you being so upset, huh?穿让你那该死的衣服Get your goddamned clothes马上滚你妈的蛋!and get the hell out of here!

7.17 周二 (Alex)
你应该去马戏团You should be in a sideshow.瞧你这惨样!You're so pathetic!马上滚!Get out of here!你这大混蛋!You big guy!失败者,怪物!Loser. You freak!啊,不Oh, no. No.对不起,我毁了I'm sorry I ruined你的新年聚会,丹中尉your New Year's Eve party, Lieutenant Dan.她身上有一股烟味She tastes like cigarettes.

7.18周三 (Girlin)
我想丹中尉发现I guess Lieutenant Dan figured有些事你是无法改变的there's some things you just can't change.他不想被称为残废He didn't want to be called crippled就象我不想被称为傻瓜just like I didn't want to be called stupid.新年快乐,阿甘Happy new year, Gump.美国乒乓球队The U.S. Ping-Pong team今天与尼克松总统见面…met with President Nixon today...

7.19 周四 (Fiona&Sam)
你知道吧?Wouldn't you know it?几个月后 A few months later,他们邀请我和乒乓球队they invited me and the Ping-Pong team去白宫to visit the White House.所以我去了…So I went...第二次去again.并且第二次见到了合众国的总统And I met the president of the United States again.不过这次他们没有给我们安排Only this time, they didn't get us rooms酒店套房in a real fancy hotel.

7.20 周五 (小碳&Daniel)
你玩得愉快吗Are you enjoying yourself在我们的首都,年轻人?in our nation's capital, young man?你住在哪儿?where are you staying?埃伯特酒店It's called the Hotel Ebbott.啊,不,不。我知道有家更好的酒店Oh, no, no, no. I know a much nicer hotel.是新开张的水门酒店,设备很先进It's brand-new. Very modern.我会叫人安排你入住的I'll have my people take care of it.保安Security.是,先生Yeah. Sir.

7.21周六 (Linda&Shelly)
你能不能叫人维修人员you might want to send a maintenance man去对面办公室看看over to that office across the way .里面灯不亮The lights are off他们大概正在找保险丝盒and they must be looking for a fuse box ,因为他们打着手电,把我都照醒了'cause them flashlights, they're keeping me awake .好的,先生。我去查一下O.K., sir. I'll check it out.谢谢,晚安Thank you. Good night.

7.22周日 (Lily&Kan)
因此…Therefore...我将辞去总统职位I shall resign the presidency从明天中午起生效effective at noon tomorrow.福雷斯甘Forrest Gump.是,长官!Yes, sir!根据条例As you were.我收到你的退役批文I have your discharge papers.服役期结束了,孩子Service is up, son.是不是说我不能再打乒乓球了?Does this mean I can't play Ping-Pong no more?对军队来说,是的For the army, it does.就这样And just like that,我在合众国军队的生活结束了my service in the United States Army was over.所以我回家So I went home.
