

作者: 无为育儿 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 13:44 被阅读6次

The Tree House!







旁白:Peppa and George are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig.

佩奇:Granny Pig!

乔治:Ganggy lg!

奶奶:Hello, my little ones! Before you come in the house, you must take off your muddy boots.

佩奇:Yes, Granny.

奶奶:Peppa, George, look what I've made! Little curtains!


佩奇:What are the little curtains for, Granny?

奶奶:It's a surprise! Do you want to see what Grandpa Pig has made for you, in the garden?"

佩奇:Yes, please.

佩奇:Grandpa Pig!

乔治:Baba ig!

爷爷:Hello, Peppa, George! Look what I've made for you. A tree house!

佩奇:A tree house! For George and me?

奶奶:And the little curtains are for your tree house!


旁白:Peppa and George love their tree house!

佩奇:Thank you, Granny Pig! Thank you, Grandpa Pig!

爷爷:Who wants to go inside first?

佩奇:Me! Me!

爷爷:In you go then!

佩奇:Before I go in my tree house, I must take off my muddy boots!

佩奇:I'm in my tree house! I'm in my tree house!

爸爸:George? Would you like to go in the tree house, too?

佩奇:Yes? Who is it?

爸爸:A young pig named ''George'' Would like to pay a visit. Can he come in?

佩奇:As long as he takes off his muddy boots.

爸爸:George, take your boots off, then you can visit Peppa in the tree house.

佩奇:Who is it?


佩奇:Yes? Who is it?

妈妈:It's Mummy Pig. Have you room for any more visitors?

佩奇:Hmmmm. You have to say the secret words. Then you can come into our house.

妈妈:I see. And what are the secret words?

佩奇:I have to whisper them to you. The secret words are ''Daddy's Big Tummy!''

妈妈:I see!

佩奇:Say the secret words!

妈妈:''Daddy's Big Tummy.''

佩奇:That's right! ''Daddy's Big Tummy!!''

爸爸:I think those are silly secret words.

佩奇:Mummy, before you come in our house, you must take off your boots.

妈妈:Of course.

佩奇:There's room for Daddy, too! Say the secret words, Daddy!

爸爸:Can I have different secret words, please?


爸爸:Oh, all right. ''Daddy's Big Tummy.''

佩奇:That's right! You can come in now, Daddy! Take your boots off!

爸爸:Er. I don't think I can fit through the door.

佩奇:That's because your tummy is too big!

爷爷:I know! Daddy Pig can climb in through the top!

旁白:Peppa, George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are all in the tree house!

佩奇:Granny, I love our tree house! I don't want to ever come out!

奶奶:That's nice, Peppa. But are you sure you don't want to visit me in my house?

佩奇:No, thank you, Granny.

奶奶:In that case, Grandpa Pig and I will just have to eat my homemade cookies all by ourselves.


佩奇:Granny Pig!

奶奶:Here are my home-made cookies! But, if you want to come in, you have to say the secret words.

佩奇:That's easy! ''Daddy's Big Tummy!''

奶奶:That's right!

爸爸:Well, I still think that those are very silly secret words.



