《刻意练习》08:科学规划、心里表征、重筑技能    day30

《刻意练习》08:科学规划、心里表征、重筑技能    day30

作者: 桂花树下 | 来源:发表于2017-10-12 22:29 被阅读0次

Deliberate practice develops skills that other people have already figured out how to do and for which effective training techniques have been established. The practice regimen should be designed and overseen by a teacher or coach who is familiar with the abilities of expert performers and with how those abilities can best be developed.

Deliberate practice both produces and depends on effective mental representations. Improving performance goes hand in hand with improving mental representations; as one’s performance improves, the representations become more detailed and effective, in turn making it possible to improve even more. Mental representations make it possible to monitor how one is doing, both in practice and in actual performance. They show the right way to do something and allow one to notice when doing something wrong and to correct it.

Deliberate practice nearly always involves building or modifying previously acquired skills by focusing on particular aspects of those skills and working to improve them specifically; over time this step-by-step improvement will eventually lead to expert performance. Because of the way that new skills are built on top of existing skills, it is important for teachers to provide beginners with the correct fundamental skills in order to minimize the chances that the student will have to relearn those fundamental skills later when at a more advanced level.


1)regimen  n. 计划,疗法

2)oversee  n. 监督,监视

3)mental representation  n. 心理表征

4)go hand in hand with  与…相辅相成

5)monitor  v. 监督,监视;n. 显示屏

6)modify  v. 修改,改变

7)acquire  v. 学到,获得

8)minimize the chances  最小化…的机会


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      本文标题:《刻意练习》08:科学规划、心里表征、重筑技能    day30
