「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第8篇

「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第8篇

作者: IT小瓯 | 来源:发表于2024-04-09 12:58 被阅读0次

    「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第8篇

    1. To the point where ___


    My love for her is so deep to the point where I can't imagine living without her (我的爱对她如此之深,到了无法想象没有她的生活)
    The book was so interesting to the point where I couldn't put it down (这本书太有趣了,到了我无法放下的程度)
    The pain in my leg was so intense to the point where I needed to take medication (我腿上的疼痛如此剧烈,到了需要服药的程度)
    The project was so complex to the point where we needed to hire additional staff (这个项目太复杂了,到了我们需要聘请额外员工的程度)
    My anxiety was so severe to the point where I had to seek professional help (我的焦虑感太严重了,到了需要寻求专业帮助的程度)
    The noise in the city was so loud to the point where I couldn't concentrate on my work (城市的噪音太吵了,到了我无法集中工作的程度)

    2. Let alone ___


    Let alone cooking a meal, I can't even boil an egg without breaking it (更别说做饭了,我连煮个鸡蛋都会弄破)

    I can't even sing a simple song, let alone perform on stage (我连简单的歌都不会唱,更别说在舞台上表演了)

    He can't even take care of himself, let alone raise a family (他连自己都照顾不好,更别说养家糊口了)

    I haven't finished my homework yet, let alone revise for the exam (我的作业还没写完,更别说复习考试了)

    I can barely speak the language, let alone write a poem in it (我勉强能说这种语言,更别说用它写诗了)

    I'm not good at sports, let alone participate in a marathon (我不擅长运动,更别说参加马拉松了)

    3. What’s this ___ about?


    What’s this book about? (这本书是关于什么的?)

    What’s this meeting about? (这次会议是关于什么的?)

    What’s this project about? (这个项目是关于什么的?)

    What’s this movie about? (这部电影是关于什么的?)

    What’s this article about? (这篇文章是关于什么的?)

    What’s this research about? (这项研究是关于什么的?)

    4. Why not ___?


    Why not try a new restaurant for dinner tonight? (为什么不今晚去尝试一家新餐厅呢?)

    Why not learn a new skill to improve yourself? (为什么不学习一项新技能来提升自己呢?)

    Why not ask for help when you're struggling? (为什么不在遇到困难时寻求帮助呢?)

    Why not start a fitness routine to get in shape? (为什么不开始健身计划来塑造身材呢?)

    Why not give a gift to show your appreciation? (为什么不送一份礼物来表达你的感激之情呢?)

    It’s a beautiful day, why not go outside?(是个美丽的一天,为什么不出门呢?)


    go outside是指出门,如果只说go out,表达的是出去嗨,出去过夜生活

    5. I can tell ___


    I can tell you’re worried (我能看的出你很担忧)

    I can tell you’re bored (我能看的出你很无聊)

    I can tell from your tone of voice that you're not happy with the result (我能从你的语气中听出你对结果不满意)

    I can tell by the way you're dressed that you're going to a formal event (我能从你的穿着看出你要参加一个正式的活动)

    I can tell from your body language that you're not comfortable with this situation (我能从你的肢体语言看出你对这个情况感到不自在)

    I can tell by your smile that you're really enjoying this moment (我能从你的笑容中看出你真的很享受这个时刻)


    1、I can tell you’re worried,注意这里是worried,不是worry。worried表达的是担忧的这种状态

    2、I can tell you’re bored,注意这里是bored,不是boring,换成后者指“你是一个无趣的人”,意思就不对了

    3、该句型不要错误表达成 I can see it out ___,这是错误的中文直译

    6. I’m into ___


    I’m into fitness and I work out regularly (我喜欢健身,并且经常锻炼)

    I’m into cooking and I love trying new recipes (我喜欢烹饪,并且喜欢尝试新的食谱)

    I’m into traveling and I enjoy exploring new places (我喜欢旅行,并且喜欢探索新的地方)

    I’m into photography and I capture beautiful moments with my camera (我喜欢摄影,并且喜欢用相机捕捉美丽的瞬间)

    I’m into reading and I have a bookshelf full of novels (我喜欢阅读,并且我的书架上摆满了小说)

    I’m into hiking and I love being outdoors in nature (我喜欢徒步,并且喜欢在大自然中享受户外时光)

    7. How did you get into ___?


    How did you get into cooking? I find it so interesting (你是怎么喜欢上烹饪的?我觉得这很有趣)

    How did you get into running? It seems like a challenging hobby (你是怎么喜欢上跑步的?这似乎是一项充满挑战的爱好)

    How did you get into painting? Your works are amazing (你是怎么喜欢上画画的?你的作品太惊人了)

    How did you get into photography? I love the pictures you take (你是怎么喜欢上摄影的?我很喜欢你拍的照片)

    How did you get into traveling? It seems like you've been everywhere (你是怎么喜欢上旅行的?看起来你好像去过很多地方)

    How did you get into yoga? I've been thinking about trying it out (你是怎么喜欢上瑜伽的?我一直在考虑尝试一下)

    8. When it comes to ___


    When it comes to cooking, I'm not very skilled (在烹饪这方面,我不太擅长)

    When it comes to public speaking, she is very confident and engaging (在公众演讲这方面,她非常自信并且有吸引力)

    When it comes to cars, I prefer gas cars(在汽车这方面,我更喜欢油车)

    When it comes to fitness, consistency is key to achieving results (在健身这方面,坚持是取得成果的关键)

    When it comes to learning a new language, practice makes perfect (在学习新语言这方面,熟能生巧)

    When it comes to shopping, I prefer online (在购物这方面,我更喜欢在网上购物)


    油车的英文是gas car,注意不是oil car。

    9. I’ve been meaning to ___


    I’ve been meaning to apologize for my behavior that day (我一直想为那天我的行为道歉)

    I’ve been meaning to start exercising more regularly (我一直想开始更规律地锻炼)

    I’ve been meaning to thank you for the gift you gave me (我一直想感谢你送给我的礼物)

    I’ve been meaning to spend more time with my parents (我一直想多陪陪父母来着)

    I’ve been meaning to buy a new car (我一直想买辆新车来着)

    I’ve been meaning to write a book (我一直想写本书来着)


    spend time with ___ (花时间陪___)

    10. As long as ___


    As long as I have enough time, I'm happy to help (只要我有足够的时间,我就很乐意帮忙)

    As long as you're honest with me, I can forgive you (只要你对我诚实,我可以原谅你)

    As long as we're together, I don't care where we go (只要我们在一起,我不在乎我们去哪里)

    As long as the work is done on time, I don't mind who does it (只要工作按时完成,我不介意谁去做)

    As long as you're happy with your decision, I support you (只要你对你的决定感到满意,我就支持你)

    As long as the food is delicious, I don't care about the presentation (只要食物好吃,我不在乎它的摆盘)


    注意和only if(只有)做区分




        本文标题:「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第8篇
