「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第12篇
1. I’m having a hard time __ing
I’m having a hard time concentrating on my work.(我现在不太能集中注意力在我的工作上)
I’m having a hard time sleeping at night.(我现在晚上不太能睡好觉)
I’m having a hard time keeping up with my studies.(我现在不太能跟上我的学习进度)
I’m having a hard time making decisions.(我现在不太能做决定)
I’m having a hard time controlling my emotions.(我现在不太能控制自己的情绪)
I’m having a hard time staying motivated (我现在不太能保持动力)
staying motivated 保持动力
2. It occurred to me that __
It occurred to me that we haven't talked in a long time.(我突然意识到我们很久没有聊过天了)
It occurred to me that I could use this skill in my daily life.(我突然意识到我可以在日常生活中运用这项技能)
It occurred to me that I should apologize to her for my rudeness.(我突然意识到我应该为我的粗鲁向她道歉)
It occurred to me that this book reminded me of my childhood.(我突然意识到这本书让我想起了我的童年)
It occurred to me that I'm actually quite lucky to have such great friends.(我突然意识到有这么好的朋友,我真的很幸运)
It occurred to me that I could solve this problem in a different way.(我突然意识到我可以用另一种方式解决这个问题)
3. Thank you for __ing
Thank you for comforting me when I was upset.(谢谢你在我难过时安慰我)
Thank you for encouraging me to pursue my dreams.(谢谢你鼓励我追求我的梦想)
Thank you for sharing your experiences with me.(谢谢你和我分享你的经历)
Thank you for supporting me through this tough time.(谢谢你在这段艰难时期支持我)
Thank you for being there for me.(谢谢你一直在我身边)
Thank you for stopping by/ dropping by(谢谢你顺路探访)
stopping by/ dropping by 顺路探访
4. I wish I could __
I wish I could play the piano like Beethoven.(我要是能像贝多芬一样弹钢琴就好了)
I wish I could understand every language.(我要是能理解每种语言就好了)
I wish I could swim like a dolphin.(我要是能像海豚一样游泳就好了)
I wish I could write a best-selling novel.(我要是能写一本畅销书就好了)
I wish I could sing like Adele.(我要是能像阿黛尔一样唱歌就好了)
I wish I could start my own business(我要是能自己创业就好了)
start business 创业
5. You seem__
You seem eager to begin(你看起来迫不及待的想开始)
You seem excited about the new project. (你看起来对新项目很兴奋)
You seem confident in your abilities. (你看起来对自己的能力很有信心)
You seem like you have a lot on your mind. (你看起来心事重重)
You seem to be enjoying yourself at the party. (你看起来在派对上玩得很开心)
You seem like a natural leader. (你看起来是个天生的领导者)
eager to 迫不及待的想
6. How often do you __?
你多久一次 __ ?/你多久 __ 一次?
How often do you have a professional massage? (你多久做一次专业按摩?)
How often do you take a break from work? (你多久从工作中休息一次?)
How often do you learn a new skill or hobby? (你多久学习一项新技能或爱好?)
How often do you clean your car? (你多久洗一次车?)
How often do you go to the theater? (你多久去一次剧院?)
How often do you write a letter to a friend? (你多久给朋友写一次信?)
7. It’s gonna be __
It’s gonna be amazing (会很惊人的)
It’s gonna be relaxing (会很放松的)
It’s gonna be satisfying (会很满足的)
It’s gonna be enlightening (会很启发人的)
It’s gonna be unforgettable (会很难忘的)
It’s gonna be breathtaking (会令人叹为观止的)
8. It’s gonna be __ to __
__ 会很 __ 的
It’s gonna be easy to Learn English (学英语会很简单的)
It’s gonna be fun to go on a road trip(去自驾游会很有趣的)
It’s gonna be intense to watch this game (看这场比赛会很紧张的)
It’s gonna be exciting to move to a new city (搬去一个新的城市会很兴奋的)
It’s gonna be relaxing to spend a day at the beach (在海滩待一天会很放松的)
It’s gonna be hard to pass this exam (通过这个考试会很难的)
road trip 自驾游
9. It looks like __
It looks like he’s in a hurry (看上去像是他在赶时间)
It looks like the cat is playing with the ball. (看上去像是猫正在玩球)
It looks like the flowers are blooming. (看上去像是花儿正在绽放)
It looks like they’re celebrating something. (看上去像是他们在庆祝什么)
It looks like the water is boiling. (看上去像是水正在沸腾)
It looks like the book is interesting. (看上去像是这本书很有趣)
in a hurry 赶时间
10. The point is that __
关键是/重点是 __
The point is that communication is key to a successful relationship. (关键是沟通是成功关系的关键)
The point is that we need to set realistic goals. (关键是我们需要设定现实的目标)
The point is that we should always respect others' opinions. (关键是我们应该始终尊重他人的意见)
The point is that we have to be patient with ourselves during this process. (关键是在这个过程中我们需要对自己有耐心)
The point is that everyone is capable of achieving their dreams. (关键是每个人都有能力实现他们的梦想)
The point is that we need to strike a balance between work and personal life. (关键是我们需要在工作和个人生活之间找到平衡)
take risks 敢于冒险
