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iSendMsg - 移动端发送短信验证码倒计时效果的插件

iSendMsg - 移动端发送短信验证码倒计时效果的插件

作者: 阿宝er | 来源:发表于2017-05-10 18:25 被阅读187次
    • jQuery isendMsg Plugin for mobile
    • send SMS verification code plugin for mobile
    • version: 1.1.0
    • Requires jQuery v2.0 or later
    • Copyright 2017 Abao
    • Project repository: https://github.com/duanxb/isendmsg


    IsendMsg to meet the needs of mobile-side SMS verification code generated, to solve the project to all the SMS verification code needs, and contains some special needs, such as adding graphics verification code, add a custom sign token and so on.

    IsendMsg is mainly composed of functions:

    • No graphics verification code mode
    • Turn on the graphics verification code mode
    • Mobile phone number regular verification
    • Customize the countdown string
    • Some callback functions are convenient for more flexible calls and are available in existing development projects




    • You can make full use of callback to do anything.
    • Please make sure to read the guide and use it correctly.

    Params intro

    参数 说明
    phoneId ID of the fill input of the mobile. Required
    url Send message Api Required
    timeOut Send the countdown after the success of the default 60S. Optional
    countText After sending successfully, the countdown button appears on the text, default: "{n} s" Optional
    captcha Whether to open the graphics verification code, the default does not open: false. Optional
    captchaUrl When opening the graphics verification code, set the address of the graphic verification code. Optional
    sign Customizable rules Encrypted string tokens are passed to the background to prevent others from attacking the SMS interface. Optional
    beforeSend Send a verification code before the implementation of the function, if return false, then stop sending.
    success After sending successfully, execute the callback function.
    error After sending a failed function, execute the callback function


    • For questions and issues please use THIS WAY

    iSendMsg - 移动端发送短信验证码倒计时效果的插件




    • 无图形验证码模式
    • 开启图形验证码模式
    • 手机号规则性验证
    • 自定义倒计时字符串
    • 一些回调函数,方便更加灵活的调用和适用于现有的开发项目中


    • 可以充分利用callback,对返回的结果执行相应操作;
    • 自定义规则的加密字符串令牌传到后台,用于防止别人攻击短信接口;

    Params intro

    参数 说明
    phoneId 所属手机号码文本框的ID。 必填
    url 后台发送短信的接口链接。 必填
    timeOut 发送成功后的倒计时,默认60S。 可选
    countText 发送成功后,倒计时按钮上显示的文字,默认:"{n}S"。 可选
    captcha 是否开启图形验证码,默认不开启:false。 可选
    captchaUrl 当开启图形验证码时,设置获取图形验证码图片的地址。 可选
    sign 可自定义规则的加密字符串令牌传到后台,用于防止别人攻击短信接口。可选
    beforeSend 发送验证码之前,执行的函数,若return false,则阻止继续发送。
    success 发送成功后,执行的函数。
    error 发送失败后,执行的函数。


    • 如果你遇到了什么神bug,请发起 ISSUE 联系我 ~
    • 致力于前端开发,一起努力中……



        本文标题:iSendMsg - 移动端发送短信验证码倒计时效果的插件
