毕业典礼序曲之 “大约在冬季”

毕业典礼序曲之 “大约在冬季”

作者: williamli820516 | 来源:发表于2018-07-25 14:01 被阅读73次

    毕业典礼渐行渐近,大家都忙着彩排,准备毕业汇报。下午,大家在Union排练了一曲 “大约在冬季”,很有感触——离愁、不舍、眷恋、允诺、祝福,所有思绪一股脑儿地涌上心头。我承认我的眼眶有些湿润了。 中文歌词很简单朴素,但是字里行间透露出难以释怀的亲情、友情、爱情。晚上开完跟总行领导的视频会议后,有同学提议把歌词翻译成英文,再以诗歌的方式预先呈现给外教老师及校方管理人员。驽钝不才,只能参透中文歌词一二,斗胆试译成英文,后续再仔细推敲。




    Quietly I take my leave 

    Wipe away your tears, my love

    In endless nights and days to come 

    My love, weep no tears and be strong

    The road ahead is gloomy and unsure

    Yet give a blissful smile to my career

    Despite all the wind and rain on my path

    I hold you dear to my heart

    Though you are not on my side

    I can assure you that I will cherish what I had

    For the days without me on your side 

    My love, take your care and never lose your mind

    You asked me the date to return

    My love, the question is cast time and time again

    Not this moment as I know

    Probably, in winter when it shall snow



      本文标题:毕业典礼序曲之 “大约在冬季”
