

作者: NapoleonHill | 来源:发表于2018-07-15 21:27 被阅读0次

Can you get useful information from job references

 Dear Annie: I'm in my first job as a managerand have never hired anyone before, so I hope this isn't a dumb question. Howcan I get references to tell me more than the corporate equivalent of name,rank, and serial number? I'm looking at three candidates whose credentials andexperience are all equally impressive, so I was hoping that references wouldserve as a tie-breaker. But everyone I've called so far has been very correctand conscientious about observing their companies' policies against commentingon anything useful -- such as, for example, what the candidate is like to workwith on a daily basis.

Our HR departmentis no help (I suspect because our company has the same kind of no-commentpolicy), and hiring a professional reference-checking service isn't in thebudget. Any suggestions about how to deal with this? —Hitting a Brick Wall

Dear HBW: It's nota dumb question at all. "The biggest mistake most hiring managers make isasking a candidate for three references, and then calling those three peopleand having totally meaningless conversations, " says Greg Moran.

A former recruiterwho "got very frustrated trying to check references, " he says, Moranis now president and CEO of Chequed.com, a company based in Saratoga Springs,N.Y., that markets software aimed at making the process more efficient for bigclients like Disney (DIS).

"Referencechecking is often a missed opportunity, which is too bad, " he adds,"because all the research shows that peer reviews -- which is whatreferences are, when they're handled right -- are the single best predictor ofhow a candidate will perform in a new job." Getting the most out ofchecking them "requires you to become a bit of an investigator, but it isworth the effort."

Where do youstart? First, instead of asking for the usual three references, ask for five(more in a minute about why). At the same time, request that all five be formeror current peers, bosses, or subordinates, not human resources staffers."You want to speak with people who worked with this person on a day-to-daybasis, " Moran says.

Then, let thecandidate know that he or she is going to be in charge of the checking process."If you want real information, the candidate has to get involved, "says Moran. "It creates a whole different dynamic. Instead of your callingsomeone you don't know out of the blue, ask the candidate to call eachreference, talk a little about the job she's trying to get, and set up an appointmentfor you to call."

Doesn't this givethe candidate a chance to coach references about what to tell you? "Anysmart candidate is going to do that anyway, " Moran notes. "Buthaving the candidate pave the way, by essentially asking for a favor, increasesthe odds that the person you're calling will make an exception to theno-comment policy."

Next, before eachappointment, take a few minutes to prepare. "Phone conversations can getvery unfocused and meandering. So, to save time and stay on track, analyze exactlywhat traits and skills will lead to success in this job, " Moran advises."Write a short list of specific questions that pinpoint thosethings."

You may still runinto some managers who balk at revealing more than titles and dates."That's why you ask for five instead of three, " Moran explains. Onaverage, he has found, two out of five references are policy sticklers --"so even if two won't make an exception and answer your questions, you'llstill have three who do."

Two othersuggestions you might find helpful: "Bear in mind that you aren'tnecessarily limited to the references a candidate gives you, " Moranpoints out. "If you know people on LinkedIn or elsewhere who also knowthis person, you can certainly ask them about him or her. Also, when you doreach former colleagues and bosses, ask them, 'Is there anyone else you'drecommend I speak with?' Taking a little extra time to dig around a bit cangive you a really well-rounded picture."

Another way aroundthe standard pro forma reference check is to ask the candidate in an interviewwhat he thinks former bosses would say about him. "Go through the person'sresume and, for each position, ask, 'Whom did you report to at XYZ Corp.? Whatis he or she likely to tell me about you if I ask?'" says Moran. "Youmight also ask, 'Out of all these people you reported to, who would give youthe least enthusiastic review? What about the most enthusiastic? Why?



