
作者: 终遇伞上花 | 来源:发表于2019-02-27 07:36 被阅读0次




    A heavy sleeper

    The preacher was angry vexed because one certain  Person a certain number of his congregation  always fallfell asleep during the sermon.

    As the man was  Snoring in the front seat in row on sunday, the preacher decided determined to he would teach him That can't sleep in not to sleep during the sermon. So, he asked people the congregation in a whisper:" All who want to go to heaven, stand up please rise." Everyone stand got up But except the  Snorer. After whispering " Sit down please Be seated", The  minister shouted with  At the top of his voice:" All those who want to be with the devil, stand up please rise.

    Awaking with a start,  And The sleepy head jumped to his feet,  And saw Saying the preacher Standing tall and angry in the front of pulpit.

    " Well, sir," The  Sleep  said:" I don't know we are voting foron, but it looks like you and me are the only voterones for it."



