
作者: 假面猿 | 来源:发表于2018-04-01 19:17 被阅读0次


events 演出
stadium 体育馆
concert hall 音乐厅
auditorium 礼堂
aquarium 水族馆
band 乐队
cover 涵盖
traditional 传统的
classical 经典的
incredible 难以置信的
fun 有趣的
load 大声的
quiet 安静的
wonderful 精彩的
terrible 糟糕的
comedy 喜剧
horror 恐怖
romance 爱情
drama 剧情


the hottest nightclub in town
wedding aniversary 结婚纪念日


Let's + 动原型
What about + 动名词
Could + 动原型
Why don't we + 动原型
In order to 表达目的
so that + 从句表达目的
begin、start、open 一般现在时表现将来时,谈及演出活动隶属某计划、时间表、演出日期
close、end、be over、 finish 表示演出结束的一般现在时
in on at
地址公司建筑以及表示 确认时间则使用at


What's that suppose to mean?
There are some great movies and plays going on this week.
What's going on?有什么正在进行的活动
We can go to the lecture or the movie,
You could go swimming or you could go hiking.
What else is there to do?
What else is going on?
That sounds good!
Could you do me a favour?
Could you help me find something interesting?
That's more like it!
What do you need?
Sure,No problem.
I'm sorry,but I'm really busy right now!
Why don't we go to that new sports bar on, ur ...
They're probably showing the football game.
How about a quiet,realxing dinner with Pam?
We do that every night!
Let's do something different!
Let's go to a movie. "..."
I don't think so.
Sure thing!
I am gonna go get ready!
How about a romance , or a drama?
The tickets you book the right?
The movie starts at 8!
How could you forget to book the tickets?
The 8 o'clock show is sold out now.
The next show begins at 10:30.
There are still some tickets left.
But it's over after midnight.
That sounds good.
Do you have a website?
Can I buy tickets online?
What time is the next show?
Are tickets still avaliable?
This is stupid.


A: Hi! What are we doing this weekend? Any good plans?
B: There are some great movies going on this week.
A: What else is there to do?
B: Why don't we go to play basketball on Sunday?
A: We do that every week! Let's do something different!
B: Em... How about going to the park to see cherry blossoms ?
A: That's more like it! How much the tickets?
B: The adult ticket is 10$, The child ticket is 5$.
A: Good. Can we buy tickets online?
B: Of course~
A: Can you book the tickets?
B: Sure thing!
A: Thanks baby.


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