

作者: 杉杉妈Alice | 来源:发表于2022-05-10 22:14 被阅读0次



You may not control all the events

that happen to you, but you can

decide not to be reduced by them.


  -Maya Angelou

This morning I told her you can drink the milk.

Because if you drank the milk, maybe you  would  grow up higher and higher.

So you can saw the picture she drank almost milk.

In the evening outside  What's raining so I told her daddy and need pick me up.

In the car I let her to read to story.

When we were  Walking on the way to home.  Her daddy hugged her and she wanted me to touch her hands.  I said if you speak English, maybe I can do that.

In my mind I think she would say:

Please give me your hand.

But she said:

Mommy put your hands on my baby hands.

That is very good she can use the words make sentences.

I said that why you use baby hands.

She told me she is the baby.

And also when we were back home.

She told me in the kindergarten  There was one boy got a fever.

And she asked me the monkey  Was under the mountain more than 500 years.

She said that she thought it, nobody told her.


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