

作者: 甜美的疼痛Charlene | 来源:发表于2016-02-14 23:18 被阅读60次
52-hertz whale

There's a great mammal in the ocean known as the 52-hertz whale. All year, he practices his love song for the female. Travels thousands of miles to find her. But when he finally gets the chance to serenade her, she doesn't give him a call back. Because his love balled is sung at 52 hertz, a sonic signature one note higher than the lowest sound of a tuba. The average female hears at ten to 15 hertz. So she never hears his song. They call him the lonely whale. And year after year, for a hundred years, he works on a new love song, and never ever gets a call back. Eventually, he dies off, forever alone, heart breaking. Sometimes, you just like this whale. You have been calling out for someone's love, but she's not calling back.


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