地球上最稀有的长颈鹿品种——白色长颈鹿,而今可能就剩下一只了。 近日,肯尼亚野生动植物保护区发现了两具白色长颈鹿的遗骸,怀疑是被偷猎者所杀害。
肯尼亚Ishaqbini Hirola自然保护区10日发表声明说,这两具遗骸是在肯尼亚东北部、保护区所在的加西萨县(Garissa County)发现的。发现时,这两具遗骸已呈白骨化,经判断,分别属于一只雌性长颈鹿及其幼崽,应是被偷猎者所杀害。 该保护区的护林员表示,其中的雌性长颈鹿被认为是肯尼亚唯一一只雌性的白色长颈鹿。肯尼亚野生生物服务署赴现场检查后认为,这两只白色长颈鹿已至少死亡了四个月。在此之前,服务署曾收到通知,表示两只长颈鹿已失踪了一段时日
Kenya's rare white female giraffe 'killed by poachers'
Death of giraffe and her calf leave just one male specimen alive Kenya’s only female white giraffe and her calf have been killed by poachers, conservationists have said, in a major blow to conservation of the rare animals found nowhere else in the world. calf 小牛,牛犊;(象、鲸等大型哺乳动物的)幼崽,幼兽 poacher 偷猎者 poacher turned gamekeeper 当年造反今天掌权的人
The bodies of the two giraffes were found “in a skeletal state after being killed by armed poachers” in Garissa in eastern Kenya, the Ishaqbini Hirola Community Conservancy said in a statement.
Their deaths leave one surviving white giraffe – a lone male borne by the same slaughtered female, the conservancy said.
“We are the only community in the world who are custodians of the white giraffe,” said Mohammed Ahmednoor, the manager of the conservancy. custodian 管理员;管理人;监护人;保管人
“Its killing is a blow to tremendous steps taken by the community to conserve rare and unique species, and a wakeup call for continued support to conservation efforts.”
The white giraffe stirred huge interest in 2017 when she was first spotted on the conservancy and again when she birthed two calves, the latest in August last year.
Their alabaster colour is caused not by albinism but a condition known as leucism, which means they continue to produce dark pigment in their soft tissue, giving them dark eyes. albinism 白化病;皮肤变白症 leucism 白变
Ahmednoor said their deaths, confirmed by rangers and community members, was a “sad day” and a major loss for researchers and tourism providers working in the remote corner of Kenya. ranger 护林员;园林管理工
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