

作者: 天天想念 | 来源:发表于2016-06-02 16:52 被阅读988次
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Security/Security.h>

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, AFSSLPinningMode) {
    //表示不做SSL pinning,只跟浏览器一样在系统的信任机构列表里验证服务端返回的证书。若证书是信任机构签发的就会通过,若是自己服务器生成的证书,这里是不会通过的。



 `AFSecurityPolicy` evaluates server trust against pinned X.509 certificates and public keys over secure connections.

 Adding pinned SSL certificates to your app helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and other vulnerabilities. Applications dealing with sensitive customer data or financial information are strongly encouraged to route all communication over an HTTPS connection with SSL pinning configured and enabled.


@interface AFSecurityPolicy : NSObject <NSSecureCoding, NSCopying>

 The criteria by which server trust should be evaluated against the pinned SSL certificates. Defaults to `AFSSLPinningModeNone`.
@property (readonly, nonatomic, assign) AFSSLPinningMode SSLPinningMode;
// 参照AFSSLPinningMode枚举定义

 The certificates used to evaluate server trust according to the SSL pinning mode. 

  By default, this property is set to any (`.cer`) certificates included in the target compiling AFNetworking. Note that if you are using AFNetworking as embedded framework, no certificates will be pinned by default. Use `certificatesInBundle` to load certificates from your target, and then create a new policy by calling `policyWithPinningMode:withPinnedCertificates`.
 Note that if pinning is enabled, `evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:` will return true if any pinned certificate matches.
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSSet <NSData *> *pinnedCertificates;
// 根据验证模式来返回用于验证服务器的证书。

 Whether or not to trust servers with an invalid or expired SSL certificates. Defaults to `NO`.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowInvalidCertificates;
// 属性代表是否允许不信任的证书(证书无效、证书时间过期)通过验证 ,默认为NO.

 Whether or not to validate the domain name in the certificate's CN field. Defaults to `YES`.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL validatesDomainName;
// 是否验证域名证书的CN(common name)字段。默认值为YES。

/// @name Getting Certificates from the Bundle

 Returns any certificates included in the bundle. If you are using AFNetworking as an embedded framework, you must use this method to find the certificates you have included in your app bundle, and use them when creating your security policy by calling `policyWithPinningMode:withPinnedCertificates`.

 @return The certificates included in the given bundle.
+ (NSSet <NSData *> *)certificatesInBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
//从你的bundle中获取证书。同时如果是调用+ policyWithPinningMode:withPinnedCertificates:方法来创建

/// @name Getting Specific Security Policies

 Returns the shared default security policy, which does not allow invalid certificates, validates domain name, and does not validate against pinned certificates or public keys.

 @return The default security policy.
+ (instancetype)defaultPolicy;
// 返回一个默认的安全策略:不允许使用无效证书、验证域名CN、不验证绑定的证书和公钥。

/// @name Initialization

 Creates and returns a security policy with the specified pinning mode.

 @param pinningMode The SSL pinning mode.

 @return A new security policy.
+ (instancetype)policyWithPinningMode:(AFSSLPinningMode)pinningMode;
// 根据pinningMode来返回一个AFSecurityPolicy对象。

 Creates and returns a security policy with the specified pinning mode.

 @param pinningMode The SSL pinning mode.
 @param pinnedCertificates The certificates to pin against.

 @return A new security policy.
+ (instancetype)policyWithPinningMode:(AFSSLPinningMode)pinningMode withPinnedCertificates:(NSSet <NSData *> *)pinnedCertificates;

/// @name Evaluating Server Trust

 Whether or not the specified server trust should be accepted, based on the security policy.

 This method should be used when responding to an authentication challenge from a server.

 @param serverTrust The X.509 certificate trust of the server.
 @param domain The domain of serverTrust. If `nil`, the domain will not be validated.

 @return Whether or not to trust the server.
- (BOOL)evaluateServerTrust:(SecTrustRef)serverTrust
                  forDomain:(nullable NSString *)domain;
// 核心类  当服务器响应提出进行证书验证时,此方法将会被调用。然后app根据之前设置的验证策略来进行判断验证是否通过。



/// @name Constants

 ## SSL Pinning Modes

 The following constants are provided by `AFSSLPinningMode` as possible SSL pinning modes.

 enum {

 Do not used pinned certificates to validate servers.

 Validate host certificates against public keys of pinned certificates.

 Validate host certificates against pinned certificates.



