chapter 25 the end

chapter 25 the end

作者: 桑桑木 | 来源:发表于2016-12-27 21:55 被阅读18次

I burst through the doors, the smell of iodine and peroxide hits me, but all I have time to see is two men wearing surgical caps and a woman in green huddling over a gurney.

iodine n.碘, 碘酒

peroxide n.过氧化物, 过氧化氢

hit  I bet I fooled around with these equations for ten minutes but then all of a sudden the right answer hit me right between the eyes.

我敢打赌,我在这些方程式上花了总总十分钟还没有得出答案。 后来,不知怎么回事,我突然想出了正确的答案。

gurney n.轮床

Blinking, Jake slowly sits up on the gurney.


There is a God, there has to be, and now I will pray, I will pray that He forgive that I have neglected Him  all of these years, forgive that I have betrayed, lied, and sinned with impunity only to turn to Him now in my hour of need, I pray that He is as merciful, benevolent, and gracious as His book says He is.


The air coming through the screen is musty and hot—it smells of overripe dates and dung. I force it into my lungs in big heaps, but it doesn’t clear the clamping feeling in my chest.

musty adj.发霉的,

overripe dates and dung  adj.颓废的  

heap n.堆, 累积, 许多 A heap of old clothes was lying in the corner. 一堆旧衣服堆在角落里。

clamping feeling The weather isclampingdown over the mountains. 山上天低云暗。


It takes me a moment to register what he has just said.

register 这个词用的很微妙

I am dry-eyed.

There was an arch-shaped trellis near the playground, in the shadow of a row of hibiscus trees, a few green vines climbing up the timber lattice.

arch-shaped trellis n.拱门, 弓形   n.格架, 格子 roses growing on a trellis 长在格子棚架上的蔷薇花 

hibiscus trees n.芙蓉属的植物, 木槿, 扶桑花

vines  n.攀爬植物, 蔓, 藤

timber  n.木材, 木料 

lattice n.格子, 格子状的东西

I spoke to Dr. Nawaz a few minutes ago and he thinks you’ll be discharged in a couple of days. That’s good news, nay?

be discharged in 出院 很意外的用法!

Doctors told him he was no longe rinfectious and that he might be discharged from  the hospital in only a  few months.医生告诉他,他不再具有传染性,几个月后他就可以出院。

He held my glance, then looked away, his face set like stone.His eyes were still lightless, I saw, vacant, the way I had found them when I had pulled him out of the bathtub.

set like

After one pour, the wax set like this,with an ice pattern of dimples over  the holes. 后一倒,这样设置的蜡,以一个漂亮的酒窝比洞格局。

He winced when he spoke again in that husky voice, barely above a whisper. “Tired of everything.”

tired of everthing 看到这里好心疼

winced v.畏缩, 退避, 退缩 

Beck winced; but he tried to be patient. 贝克倒抽了一口冷气,但是他设法按捺住了性子

Perspective was a luxury when your head was constantly buzzing with a swarm of demons

Sohrab had blended into the background.

He blended in with the crowd. 他融入了人群之中。

His face was a little flushed, his eyes suddenly alert. Awake. Alive


Then I blinked and, for just a moment, the hands holding the spool were the chipped-nailed, calloused hands of a harelipped boy. I heard a crow cawing somewhere and I looked up. The park shimmered with snow so fresh, so dazzling white, it burned my eyes. It sprinkled soundlessly from the branches of white-clad trees. I smelled turnipqurmanow. Dried mulberries. Sour oranges. Sawdust and walnuts. The muffled quiet, snow-quiet, was deafening. Then far away, across the still ness, a voice calling us home, the voice of a man who dragged his right leg.

For you, a thousand times over



      本文标题:chapter 25 the end
