Day 13 P82~89 The end of Chapter 11.
Pontificator = a person who pontificates (To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.)
Splat informal, to make a noise like something wet hitting a surface, or to make something make this noise
Beingness = the state of being or existing.
Flabbergasting = shocking
Smartypants = someone who wants to appear to be clever
be (all) the rage = to be very popular at a particular time
sell yourself so short = If you sell yourself short, you describe yourself as less clever or talented than you really are.
dig in (one's) heels” is a phrase that means to refuse to give in.
ghetto = an area of a city, especially a very poor area, where people of a particular race or religion live closely together and apart from other people -
fall flat on one's face = fail in an embarrassingly obvious way.
Rill 查到的意思在这里说不通,这个词不影响理解
crotchety = bad-tempered, informal
tumbleweed 风滚草(生长于北美和澳大利亚,枯萎后在地面处折落,随风像球一样四处滚动)
stick to your guns = to continue to have your beliefs or continue with a plan of action, even if other people disagree with you
voilà 瞧,那就是