Say only , “It is here.”“ But when did “here” begin? When didi Bacon's ideology become a reality? When, to use Siegfried Gidion's phrase, did mechanization take command? To be cautious about it, we might locate the emergence of the first true technocracy in England in the latter half of the eighteenth century - let us say with James Watt's invention of the steam engine in 1765. From that time forward, a decade did not pass without the invention of some significant machinery which, taken together, put and end to medieval "manufacture" (which once meant "to make by hand"). The practical energy and technical skills unleashed at this time changed forever the material and psychic nvironment of the Western world.
An ideology is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individual. Very often ideology refers to a set of political beliefs or a set of ideas that characterize a particular culture.
Capitalism, communism, socialism, and Marxism are ideologies. But not all -ism words are. Think: cronyism (a system of graft whereby friends unfairly help each other make money.) Our English noun is from French idéologie. The suffix –logy, used with many English words describing theories or doctrines, is from Greek logos "word, reason, speech, account."