

作者: 68b183b38b2b | 来源:发表于2017-10-21 12:03 被阅读0次



           (2)在互联网+工业的影响下我们不用再纠缠微笑曲线这个难题了。意外,制造业传统意义上的价值创造和分配模式正在发生转变,借助互联网平台,企业,客户及利益相关方纷纷参与到价值创造、价值传递 及价值实现等生产创造的各个环节,因为互联网+工业不仅仅是信息共享,还将广泛开展 物理共享,从而形成新的价值创造和分享模式,开创全新的共享经济,带动大众创业和万众创新。

2.阅读一篇以上Industrial Chain相关英文文章,要求用英文摘录文章主旨,并列出关键单词等,还须附上文章链接

答;High Quality Industrial drive chain

Why Choose Us ?

1.Hangzhou Donghua Chain Group Co., Ltd established in 1991, we have 3 subsidiaries in china and have 6 subsidiaries abroad;

2.We covering a production area of 200,100 square meters, have more than 1,800 sets of advanced equipment and over 3,100 highly skilled employees, the annual production capacity has exceeded 20,000,000 meters;

3.We specialized in producing all kinds of standard chains and special chains, such as A or B series chains, roller chains, drive chains, conveyor chains, hoisting chains, agricultural chains, sprockets, wheels, gears and so on;

4.We have obtained ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO16969, AAA , API SGS certificates.

5.Our partners among world top enterprises, such as JOHNDEERE, NEW HOLLAND, CLAAS, HONDA, KUBOTA etc.






4所示。我们已经获得ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO16969 AAA,API SGS证书。


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如何解决;尽量在以上问题中能更加 更好的处理 做到规范  合理化  各自发出最好的解决方案   不可能做的十全十美但求做到最精


CE: 是不是服装这样的行业更容易实现供应链的柔性化,红领集团的实践是否能移植到一些比较重的制造行业?


CE: 戴尔[微博]、耐克、利丰都曾依靠供应链优势迅速崛起,现在这些标杆企业面临怎样的挑战,供应链在未来会有哪些更先进的组织模式?




5.阅读一篇以上supply chain 相关英文文章,要求用英文摘录文章主旨,并列出关键单词,附上文章链接。

There are a variety of supply chain models, which address both the upstream and downstream elements of supply chain management (SCM). The SCOR (Supply-Chain Operations Reference) model, developed by a consortium of industry and the non-profit Supply Chain Council (now part of APICS) became the cross-industry de facto standard defining the scope of supply chain management. SCOR measures total supply chain performance. It is a process reference model for supply-chain management, spanning from the supplier's supplier to the customer's customer.[5]It includes delivery and order fulfillment performance, production flexibility, warranty and returns processing costs, inventory and asset turns, and other factors in evaluating the overall effective performance of a supply chain.

The Global Supply Chain Forum has introduced another supply chain model.[6]This framework is built on eight key business processes that are both cross-functional and cross-firm in nature. Each process is managed by a cross-functional team including representatives from logistics, production, purchasing, finance, marketing, and research and development. While each process interfaces with key customers and suppliers, the processes of customer relationship management and supplier relationship management form the critical linkages in the supply chain.

The American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) Process Classification Framework (PCF) SM is a high-level, industry-neutral enterprise process model that allows organizations to see their business processes from a cross-industry viewpoint. The PCF was developed by APQC and its member organizations as an open standard to facilitate improvement through process management and benchmarking, regardless of industry, size, or geography. The PCF organizes operating and management processes into 12 enterprise-level categories, including process groups, and over 1,000 processes and associated activities.

In the developing country public health setting, John Snow, Inc. has developed the JSI Framework for Integrated Supply Chain Management in Public Health, which draws from commercial sector best practices to solve problems in public health supply chains.[7]

In 2013, theSupply Chain Roadmaphas been presented. It is a method where an organization's supply chain strategy can be reviewed in an organized and systematic approach in order to assure alignment of the supply chain with the business strategy. The method is supported in the most important and recognised theories and practices about supply chain strategy and business strategy. The method allows the characterisation of the supply chain under analysis by 42 factors in a single page view called "The Map", and allows the comparison of this supply chain with 6-supply chain archetypes (fast, efficient, continuous flow, agile, custom configured, flexible), in order to find gaps between supply chain under analysis and the most proper supply chain archetype. Method is applied in four steps (scope, understanding, evaluation, and, redesign and deployment). The method was developed by Hernan David Perez, an experienced supply chain manager in several industrial sectors, and, professor and international speaker in supply chain strategy.[8]







