新闻内容来着听BBC world news headline。再加一条新西兰当地媒体的,刷下这个常被人们遗忘的国家的存在感。
1. US-China trade deal 'remains intact'
President Trump insisted that the trade deal with China remains intact.
intact a.完整的 完好无损的,原封不动的
2. Plans for easy e-bikes
Big Street Bikers is rolling out free charging stations in Christchurch this month to encourage the use of e-bikes.
Big Street Bikers 正在基督城实施免费充电站来鼓励电动自行车的使用。
roll out a verb phrase that means to introduce something, like a new product line. 引进,铺开,展开部署
rollout is a noun that means a product introduction.