2017 Genome Biology | 选择性清除分析在牛的

2017 Genome Biology | 选择性清除分析在牛的

作者: iBioinformatics | 来源:发表于2023-05-03 11:16 被阅读0次

在中国,牛的精神总是为人津津乐道,它以血肉之躯无私奉献,实现了全心全意为人民服务的伟大精神境界,深深融入到中华文化之中。牛的精神早已植根于中国的传统文化中,因此小编整理了一篇 2017 发表 Genome Biology 在的与牛的遗传进化相关的文章 The genome landscape of indigenous African cattle,具体阐述了选择性清除分析在牛的遗传进化分析中的应用。

The genome landscape of indigenous African cattle




本研究作者选择了地理来源不同的48头非洲牛African cattle(图1:包括10 Ankole桑格牛; 10 Boran波兰牛; 9 Kenana凯纳纳牛; 10 N’Dama和9 Ogaden cattle加登牛),利用Illumina HiSeq2000测序平台进行双端测序,并与此前公布数据的地理来源不同的53个商业品种牛commercial breed(10 Angus安格斯牛;10 Jersey泽西牛;10 Holstein荷兰牛和23 Hanwoo韩牛)进行联合分析(以UMD 3.1为参考基因组进行比对分析)。

图1 非洲牛的地理分布

a Geographic locations of African cattle populations.
b Nucleotide genome diversity. Number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified in each breed (left y-axis) with respect to the reference genome (UMD 3.1). Lower bars represent the number of breed-specific SNPs (right y-axis)

(4)非洲瘤牛(Boran ; Kenana ; Ogaden cattle)与4种商业品种的比较分析




研究利用Hiseq 2000测序平台,完成了48头非洲土著牛的测序(测序深度10X),并与此前公布数据的地理来源不同的53个商业品种牛commercial breed进行联合分析,用Bowtie 2 将测序数据与参考基因组(版本:UMD 3.1)进行比对(比对效率:98.84%;覆盖度:98.56%),GATK 3.1进行单核苷酸多态性分析,进行低质量SNPs数据过滤处理后,共计获得约3,700,000 SNPs,进而利用SnpSift进行9个种群(Boran; Ogaden cattle; Kenana; Ankole; N’Dama; Angus; Jersey; Holstein; Hanwoo)特异的SNPs分析。

通过9个群体间核苷酸多态性的比对发现,非洲瘤牛(Boran, Kenana, Ogaden)与商业品种牛(Angus;Jersey;Holstein和Hanwo)相比,具有较高的单核苷酸多态性;N’Dama 的多态性相对较低(图2和图3)。



  • PCA分析中,非洲牛与商业品种牛群体完全分开,桑格牛居中,并无离群物种(图4)。
  • 在群体结构分析中,K为假定的祖先群数量(K=1~9),分析结果显示:当K=2时,样品具有最佳分群,黄牛与瘤牛之间发生分歧;当K=3时,桑格牛与N’Dama,亚洲瘤牛,商业牛具有相同的遗传背景(图5)。
  • 进而利用距离法构建系统发育树,Boran; Ogaden cattle; Kenana; Ankole; N’Dama; Angus; Jersey; Holstein; Hanwoo共计9个种群的系统发育树结果显示(图6):欧洲商业品种牛聚类到一起,Hanwoo与N’Dama亲缘关系较近;非洲瘤牛聚类到一起,桑格牛位于瘤牛与N’Dama之间,同时9个种群体呈现9个单系群,无离群物种。
Population structure and relationships of African in comparison to commercial cattle.

a Principal component (PC) analysis, PC 1 against PC 2.
b Proportion of ancestry for each individual assuming different number of ancestral population (K = 2, 3, and 4). Colors in each vertical line represent the likelihood proportion of an animal genome assigned to a source population.
c Neighbor-joining tree of the relationships between the nine cattle breeds (101 animals). The scale bar represents the identity-by-state (IBS) score between pairs of animals.
d Genome-wide distribution of nucleotide diversity in 50-kb non-overlapping window


有效群体大小的变化(图7)结果显示:N’Dama 牛与其它非洲牛相比,经历了强烈的种群数量的衰减,这与种群的瓶颈效应有关。此外,距今1000年前,Ogaden 和 Kenana 种群大小有略微的增涨,而这与随着非洲大陆的号角中的第一波瘤牛的入驻有关。同时发现:大约公元前10,000年,所有种群经历了种群数量衰减,可能与当时发生的新石器时代驯化事件相关。


African cattle effective population size and history.

a Estimated effective population size of each African cattle breed and the combined commercial (Hanwoo + Jersey + Holstein + Angus).
b Pattern of population splits and mixture between the nine cattle breeds. The drift parameter is proportional to Ne generations, where Ne is the effective population size. Scale bar shows ten times the average standard error of the estimated entries in the sample covariance matrix. The migration edge from the European taurine lineage into the Ankole is colored according to the percent ancestry received from the donor population




N’Dama牛与其它4种非洲牛相比,具有抗锥体虫的特点,其抗锥体虫的机制主要有2点:a. 抗贫血 b. 控制寄生虫扩散。

通过N’Dama牛具(抗锥体虫)与非洲瘤牛(Boran ; Kenana ; Ogaden cattle,感锥体虫)群体间的选择性清除分析,筛选出了5个基因(SLC40A1, STOM, SBDS, EPB42和 RPS26)与贫血相关,其中基因SLC40A1受到了强选择。进而筛选了这些候选基因的非同义突变位点,结果发现N’Dama牛中STOM (p.Met48Val) 和 EPB42 (p.Arg503His)蛋白因SNP的错义而发生了氨基酸的改变(图9),与其它4种非洲牛相比,N’Dama牛中同时发生了这两种等位基因的变异。

Signatures of selective sweep at the N’Dama HCRTR1, SLC40A1, EPB42, and STOM gene regions.

Nucleotide diversity plots of the HCRTR1 (a) and SLC40A1 (c) genomic regions. Haplotype diversity at the HCRTR1 (b) and SLC40A1 (d) gene regions (gray area). The major allele at each SNP position in N’Dama is colored in red, the minor one in white. The star (*) denotes non-synonymous N’Dama SNP identified at the HCRTR1 gene region.
e Frequency of N’Dama fixed haplotype (SLC40A1 region) in others breeds with comparison with major observed haplotype(s) (frequency > 0.15 shown). Nucleotide with green background represents distinct polymorphism compared to the major SNP allele present in N’Dama.
f, g Structure of the EPB42 and STOM gene with exons indicated by vertical bars. Non-synonymous SNPs represent p.Arg503His and p.Met48Val and are highlighted in yellow. Different color represents different alleles, and frequency of each haplotype is indicated on the right side of the figure

转录因子kappaB (NF-kB)是对微生物病原体的先天和后天免疫反应的中心,可以调节细胞对感染的反应。通过选择性清除分析中筛选了与NF-kB相关受到正选择基因,这些基因有效的调控了锥体虫的感染。


Ankole牛与其它非洲牛比较的显著特点为:Ankole牛有巨大的白色犄角和红色的毛皮。通过选择性清除分析首选筛选出了与毛皮颜色相关的功能基因:基因MC1R和基因KIT;基因的过表达分析显示:FGF信号通路(成纤维细胞生长因子信号通路)与骨骼发育过程中成骨细胞的分化有关,与FGF信号通路相关的基因(MAP3K5, PPP2R2C, FGF18, 和FRS3, P00021)可能是控制Ankole牛与其它非洲牛相比表现独特形态(生长巨大的犄角)的基因,并且这些基因在其它非洲牛中均未受到正向选择作用。



(4)非洲瘤牛(Boran ; Kenana ; Ogaden cattle)与4种商业品种的比较分析

有研究表明非洲牛具有更好的温度调节机制,同时非洲瘤牛对高温胁迫具有更好的调节能力,进而本研究作者选择了非洲瘤牛与商业品种进行比较,进行选择性清除分析,发现基因SOD1在非洲瘤牛与商业品种在对高温胁迫中表现出差异。基因的功能注释结果显示:基因SOD1的3’外显子区因SNP的错义而引发了氨基酸的非同义突变(图10 p.Ile95Phe),而这种突变在非洲瘤牛中高达95%,进一步证明了基因SOD1在非洲牛对高温胁迫机制中具有重要作用。

A selective sweep associated with heat tolerance in African cattle.

a Fixation index (Fst) and linkage disequilibrium values for Bos indicus samples in 20-kb sliding windows with 5-kb steps (top) and the degree of haplotype sharing around heat tolerance QTL (10.71–10.90 Mb region on chromosome 22). Fst is calculated between B. indicus and commercial samples. The major allele in each B. taurus and B. indicus populations is indicated in red.
b Structure of the SOD1 gene with exons indicated by vertical bars. A non-synonymous SNP represents p.Ile95Phe and is highlighted in yellow. Haplotype frequencies are indicated by numbers next to each haplotype. In each haplotype, green and beige bars represent alleles 1 and 2, respectively







      本文标题:2017 Genome Biology | 选择性清除分析在牛的
