

作者: 教书匠阿伦 | 来源:发表于2019-03-17 14:10 被阅读24次

    Students claim they were denied fair opportunity to apply to Yale and University of Southern California.

    ‘Each of the universities took the students’ admission application fees while failing to take adequate steps to ensure that their admissions process was fair and free of fraud,’ the plaintiffs said in the lawsuit.

    In one of the first lawsuits to come out of the college bribery scandal, several students are suing Yale, Georgetown, Stanford and other schools involved in the case, saying they and others were denied a fair shot at admission.

    The plaintiffs brought the class-action complaint on Wednesday in federal court in San Francisco on behalf of themselves and other applicants, asking for unspecified damages and the return of all application fees.

    They argued that applicants who played by the rules were victimized when rich and famous parents paid bribes that enabled unqualified students to get into highly selective universities.

    “Each of the universities took the students’ admission application fees while failing to take adequate steps to ensure that their admissions process was fair and free of fraud, bribery, cheating and dishonesty,” the lawsuit said. Legal experts, though, said the students could have difficulty holding the colleges responsible.







    deny 拒绝,否认

    application fee 申请费

    adequate 恰当的,足够的,适当的

    plaintiff 原告(拓展:被告defendant)

    lawsuit 诉讼

    sue 控告,控诉

    class-action n.集体诉讼

    federal court 联邦法院

    unspecified 未说明的,不明确的(联想,specific adj. 明确的,具体的 n.特性,细节)

    …saying they and others were denied a fair shot at admission. shot 常用义“开枪,射击,射门”,文中shot at含义为尝试、努力。Eg. The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield’s world title. 这名重量级拳击冠军将尝试挑战Holyfield的世界冠军头衔。

    Each of the universities took the students’ admission application fees while failing to take adequate steps to ensure that their admissions process was fair and free of fraud. 这里的“while”并非引导从句,而是表并列,意为“然而”。

    They argued that applicants who played by the rules were victimized when rich and famous parents paid bribes that enabled unqualified students to get into highly selective universities. 此句较长,多个从句叠加套用。第一层,They argued that applicants were victimized. 他们抗议申请者受到不公待遇。第二层,“who played by the rules”修饰applicants,是“遵守游戏规则的”申请人;“when rich and famous parents paid bribes”修饰victimized,遭受不公待遇是当“富有且有名望的父母行贿”的行为造成的。第三层,“that enabled unqualified students to get into highly selective universities”修饰bribes,贿赂使得不够资格的学生进入高门槛学府。


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