A wealthy applicant’s family donating a building? That’s OK. Pretending to be a water polo player? Not so much.

There’s a much-viewed video on the internet showing how a capuchin monkey reacts when it gets rewarded for a task with a bit of boring cucumber while the capuchin in the next cage gets a grape for the same task. The wronged primate throws the cucumber back at the experimenter in rage and disgust, then reaches through a hole and pounds the counter before slamming the cage’s clear plastic wall with both fists. Unspoken: “Gimme a damn grape, lady.”

Parents of college-bound students are reacting with equally righteous indignation to a new adissions cheating scandal, in which Hollywood celebrities and CEOs are accused of paying bribes to help their kids cut in line to get into top universities. In a March 12 court filing, the federal government said clients paid a combined $25 million in bribes to sports coaches and college administrators from 2011 to 2018 to get their kids into such schools as Yale, Stanford, the University of California at Los Angeles, and Georgetown.

Unfairness triggers a part of the brain called the anterior insula that causes feelings of contempt or disgust. It’s the part of the brain that saved our ancestors’ lives by telling them not to eat rotten meat. Judging from the firestorm on social media, Americans seem far more disturbed by this scandal than by the preferential access given to, say, children of alumni or wealthy donors. That might be because people see those breaks as just part of the way the world works. Even if you don’t like it, you can sort of understand why a university would look favorably on an application from a young woman whose parents just gave $25 million for a new student union. Schools need money. In contrast, there’s no rough justice in this scandal. Those enriched were corrupt officials, not the schools.

Among the parents charged were Gordon Caplan, the co-chairman of the Willkie Farr & Gallagher law firm in New York; Manuel Henriquez, chief executive officer of Hercules Capital; and Douglas Hodge, the former CEO of Pacific Investment Management Co. All three declined to comment. William Singer, the founder of a California-based test prep business said to be at the heart of the scandal, has pleaded guilty.

被指控的父母中,有纽约Willkie Farr & Gallagher律所联合主席Gordon Caplan、大力神资本CEO Manuel Henriquez 和太平洋投资管理公司前CEO Douglas Hodge。三人均拒绝表态。加州一家备考公司创始人William Singer,据说是此次丑闻的核心人物,他已认罪。

scandal 丑闻
rage 愤怒,激烈,大发脾气
disgust 反感,厌恶,嫌恶
righteous indignation 义愤填膺
be accused of 被起诉
federal government 联邦政府
administrator 管理者
trigger 引发,触发,扳机,启动装置
contempt 轻视,蔑视
rotten meat 腐肉
firestorm 大爆发
preferential 优先选择的,优先的,特惠的
alumni (男)校友,(男)毕业生
donor 捐赠者(拓展:donation 捐款,捐赠,捐献)
corrupt 堕落的,道德败坏的,贪污的,腐败的
chief executive officer 首席执行官,简称CEO
anterior insula 通过FMRI,对人在行为时进行了脑部扫描发现,当人们感到不公正时,“前脑岛 ”(anterior insula)部分被激活,而通常进行理性计算时,只有“额叶皮层”(prefrontal cortex)是活跃的。
19. Parents of college-bound students are reacting with equally righteous indignation to a new admissions cheating scandal, in which Hollywood celebrities and CEOs are accused of paying bribes to help their kids cut in line to get into top universities. in which用在定语从句中,等于where,在定语从句中作状语。如果先行词(指定语从句修饰的那个表地点的词)前已有前置词(介词),关系副词就用where ;如果先行词前没有前置词,此时既可以用where,也可以用in which。
20.Even if you don’t like it, you can sort of understand why a university would look favorably on an application from a young woman whose parents just gave $25 million for a new student union. even if引导让步状语从句,往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”,有时还可以用于虚拟语气,意思与if接近;口语中有时可以与even if相互替换的even though引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”,与 though,although意思接近。
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发布于 12:40